As we step into the hotter months of the year, Masters of the Universe Classics also heats things up with long awaited releases all summer long! June kicks everything off with the first ever release of Octavia, the wicked tentacle-swinging warrior!
Let’s just jump right into it! Octavia comes packed in the standard MOTUC packaging. Even in the package, this is a figure that just looks amazing. Octavia appeared in a few episodes of the She-Ra cartoon, but she was never released as a figure until now. The wait has been worth it.
Looking closer at the figure we can see that she has a spot-on appearance from the vintage cartoon. I greatly enjoy how her tentacles are displayed in the bubble as well. It is all just so menacing and cool! The familiar Horde symbol sticker is also on the cover. Horde fans can rejoice as the group of baddies keeps getting bigger.
Flipping the card over, we see the usual MOTUC fare: the list of releases as well as the bio. Some of the heavy Horde hitters are shown. I do look forward to Entrapta being on the back of a MOTUC card one day.
Octavia’s bio is perfect. From her name to the information about her role in the Horde, everything is simply perfect. Polypus. That is just a great name. I love that name.
Out of the package, Octavia does not come with her tentacles already connected to her. She does look pretty cool though, doesn’t she? I know that the Horde members were all pretty horrifying looking, but Octavia was truly the only character from the Horde that really frightened me from the cartoon. She seemed like a real threat compared to the other Horde members. Whenever she’d pull out her swords, there would be this creepy look on her face, like she was just ready to cut someone up.
Here is another closer shot. The shade of green is perfect as are all the details for her face. I like her Horde suit, and those boots with the Horde symbol are perfect! Her joints also seem to be nice, though I can possibly foresee problems with her ankles in the future.
Turning her around, Octavia shares almost a similar hair sculpt as She-Ra. I think if there was only one thing I could say about the sculpting talents of the Four Horsemen it is that they really sculpt good hair. Hair sculpts can make or break a figure, and I’ve yet to encounter a hair sculpt that looked awful.
Octavia comes with some cool accessories. Her four swords are for each tentacle while her Horde crossbow is a departure from the usual Horde crossbows featured with characters like Hordak, Leech, and Grizzlor. It is sleeker and has that nice shiny black paint to go with her boots.
The crossbow is also very easy to slide into her hand. I love it when accessories are easy to apply to the figure.
Other accessories include, of course, the four tentacles! For the longest time fans were debating tirelessly about how these tentacles were going to be made. They are fixed in shape, with a peg at the base for slight articulation when attached to her back.
As you can see, Octavia has four holes on her back for the tentacles to snap in. However, I did not like the method of removing her head and placing the tentacles on. It made it difficult for me to pop her head back on. I am unsure how easy it has been for other folks to get her tentacles on, but I preferred turning her head to the side and snapping them in place.
All put together, the tentacles really make Octavia pop. There are also numerous possibilities for how to pose her with the tentacles. The tentacles are all interchangeable for each hole on her back, so a variety of looks can be made to make this wicked Horde member truly shine!
Now here we see Octavia holding her swords. They slide on easily enough and further add to the menacing look of Octavia.
She-Ra has a surprise guest! Octavia in many ways was like a surprise guest on the show. There were only a few episodes where Octavia got to mix it up with She-Ra and her friends, but I had always hoped for some cool fight scenes with Mermista.
Girl’s night out with the Horde! With only two more female Horde members in need of a release, it is really nice to see so many female villains getting the love. Entrapta and Scorpia are the only two female Horde members left, and I am super excited for their hopeful releases.
Octavia wins big time! This release is important in many ways. First it shows just how cool complex characters can look. There are a few characters that have sparked numerous conversations about how they will be made. Octavia was very tricky. I know many fans wanted her to have bendy tentacles, but I think the finished product really turned out to be something special. Let’s be real, bendy items don’t age well. They either get sticky and/or out of shape.
With her release into the long running MOTUC line finally out, Octavia proves that there are still some pretty cool characters left in the line. Enjoy the photos and take a moment to catch your breath, there are even more fun releases in the coming months for MOTUC!
Grade A+ (Octavia gets an A+ for many reasons. She looks awesome and fans finally can get their hands on a never-before released character in figure form!)

Jun 25, 2013 -
Wow! What a cool figure!
I really like how the tentacles go into the back of her outfit, that is pretty interesting. The face is well designed and sculpted and the all around figure just appears pretty awesome.
I could tell just by reading that you are excited about this one, I’m glad she gets to join her buddies.
How well do the swords stay in her tentacles?
Great review!
Jun 25, 2013 -