During the Great Unrest, Tylenol PM was scarce in availability and the warriors of Eternia couldn’t sleep, so what can a band of muscle bound weirdo’s do but fight until the transports came with their pills so they could get some damn rest already!
Yeah…I know, lame! BUT! Don’t run off yet, the best is yet to come as we look at the awesome inclusions of the Great Unrest Weapons Pak!
The Weapons Pak is carded with multiple, individual bubbles and includes a great assortment of deadly toys for the battleground in the form of swords, shields, clubs, staffs and even an Albino bird.
The back of the card has a decent assortment of characters filling in the large space.
Open, the Weapons Pak includes a lot to choose from including the Zoar form for the upcoming Temple of Darkness Sorceress. The repaints of Clawful’s club and shield are very nice—at least the shield is, the club sadly is just a different tone of green from the one that comes with the figure, but, what can you do. Teela’s weapons are included in a brighter red than the pieces that come with the action figure. Both Clawful and Teela are still carded, so I couldn’t display the weapons on them; but, you get the idea.
For those who have Chief Carnivus, you can replace his current weapons with a pair featuring green highlights–such as his rendition of Lion-O’s Sword of Thundara; that’s what it somewhat looks like, especially in the hand guard. Finally, for those who have been waiting for the Draego-Man flaming sword-whip and the extinguished sword, they are here and are created very well using a translucent plastic. Also included is a flaming shield. The flames are removable from the back edge of the shield, so it’s really exceptional. I don’t have either Chief Carnivus or Draego-Man to display the weapons on, so lets move on to the figures that I do have.
But first! Here are the weapons on the Castle Grayskull weapons rack, they fit OK, but some just won’t stay and the shields fit loosely on the logs that are meant to hold them.
Perfect, Alcala Skeletor sits upon Panthor’s saddle holding the 200X swords that apparently fans really wanted. With the fused mistakes being given away at the recent convention, this creation splits into the gold eagle and the purple skull. The 200X swords that came with Skeletor were not an easy thing to keep together, however this rendition is hard to get apart which is great! The sculpt is very good, I’m just not a fan of the handles being so far apart, but, regardless of that I really like them.
200X Man-At-Arms holds his awesome blue hand cannon and it fits well in the right hand with the gripping hand wrapped around the internal peg–the cannon is quite heavy as it is made of solid plastic. The paint applications are well done and unlike the 200X piece, the missile does not fire, but that’s OK, I don’t play with these figures, they just sit on a shelf.
Evil-Lyn gets a blue Teela shield—works for me…It looks nice and fits slightly loose, but it’s not going anywhere.
My least favorite of the characters, Horde Prime is starting to get a little cooler in my book. The staff is really well detailed and fits in his hand very well. I’d recommend the right hand over the left, it looks a bit better and I feel the right hand has a tighter grip on the shaft.
Its now time to introduce, NEW from Mattel!!! “Come Get Me Bitch!” Skeletor! Once known as MOTUC/DCU Skeletor in a two pack with Lex Luthor, this poor guy was almost immediately stripped of his yellow Power Sword which was given to Perfect, Alcala Skeletor leaving him with nothing. MOTUC/DCU Skeletor then became “Weapons Rack” Skeletor where he would stand with an ax by the Castle Grayskull Weapons Rack at the back of the shelf. Sadly, he was then abandoned for the need for more shelf space and became “Neglected” Skeletor. Now, back from ‘the other room;’ “Come Get Me Bitch” Skeletor stands proud with two gripping hands holding the 200X swords challenging all comers as he did in the MYP cartoon against King Randor and He-Man—sure, he lost, but at least he didn’t run like he would have in the Filmation MOTU.
After kicking the crap out of Horde Prime “Come Get Me Bitch” Skeletor shows thumbs down as he advances for the final blow that will send Horde Prime to a hole in the ground on Horde World—She-Ra will have to thank “Come Get Me Bitch” Skeletor for taking care of this guy for her.
Now popular, “Come Get Me Bitch” Skeletor is able to get himself some sugar from little, 200X Teela to the dismay of Man-At-Arms and the jealousy of Evil-Lyn—I can only guess that Man-At-Arms is thinking of doing something explosion related towards Skeletor’s skull with his new arm cannon—that is…if Evil-Lyn doesn’t use her new shield as a club first! …Of course, they are both terrified of him so they say and do nothing.
Although I only have the proper use of four weapons of the fifteen included with the Great Unrest Weapons Pak, eventually I’ll come up with an idea other than having them simply hang off of the Castle Grayskull Weapons Rack. The group looks good with their new added extras and I’m quite satisfied with the selection.
Apparently, the Great Unrest Weapons Pak was so over-produced that it is now a collection essential on Mattycollector.com, so if you want it, get it for retail and don’t get screwed by the scalpers.
Here is a shelf update–“Come Get Me Bitch” Skeletor is the man!
GRADE: A+ (This article was so much fun to do, how can I give the pak anything less)!
Click all photos to enlarge!

Oct 28, 2012 -
May the forces of the Great Unrest be defeated by those little blue over-the-counter sleep aids that we hyperactive people need once in a while!
Miss M
Oct 28, 2012 -
I love this pack! I may have to get one! I have never gotten a weapons pack before, but this one has some really cool stuff! Great article!