February was a big month for fans of Mattel’s Masters of the Universe Classics. Two heavy hitters were released together: Ram Man and Jitsu. These two fan favorites have long been wanted on many collectors’ lists, so let’s check out some of the goods, starting with Jitsu!
Jitsu is a standard MOTUC figure and dubbed the Evil Master of Martial Arts. The coloring for Jitsu is nice and bold. He also comes with a large golden fist fixed in a chopping pose. A katana and two kama swords are also included. The kama swords also snap into his back. Jitsu also features the usual articulation found in MOTUC standard figures.
This closer shot really shows off the rich detail of Jitsu’s chest plate as well as his face sculpt. I like the detail made for his eyes and beard. He looks like a dangerous foe and one I would not want to personally mess with. I also am unsure if I want to own him or not, so I chose not to open him up for this article.
The back of Jitsu’s card shows other MOTUC releases. I would have liked Fisto to have been across from Jitsu as they are supposed to be archenemies in the MOTU mythos, but it is also nice to see Draego-Man. That is one popular dragon figure!
Jitsu’s bio is one of the more interesting bios. I am curious about a few things with this bio, if Jitsu is an intergalactic bandit, where is his home world? I’m curious if there will be a connection to Earth at all. I also like this Prison Starr place. For some reason I am thinking of the space prison place from SilverHawks. Now wouldn’t that be a fun crossover? I do love that Jitsu is an archenemy of Fisto. One of the things I have always liked, and looked for, in this line is this idea that each hero has a villain to fight against. Finally, the last part of this bio that actually leaves me on the fence involves Jitsu taking over at Snake Mountain once Skeletor heads off to join the fight for the universe in space. It kind of makes sense, but then it kind of doesn’t. However, considering that Jitsu showed up later on in the vintage line, it is nice that this later released character is given some juicy plot points.
Grade: A (I think the figure looks great, but without having any real attachment to him, I am just not sure what to do with him!)
Let’s keep the fun going shall we? I mean, you are all having fun right? We are about to look at one of the most fan demanded MOTUC figure since the line started. Mermista finally saw her highly anticipated release… Oh wait, that’s not right. Ram Man! Yes, good old Ram Man! After a very long wait, Ram Man shows just how talented the 4 Horsemen are.
Ram Man was released as a slightly over sized figure in the MOTUC line. The figure and package is slightly taller than a standard release and it feels a little heftier. Ram Man fans not only get an all new Ram Man, but they also got his trademark short axe and an extra head sculpt that was inspired from the 200X He-Man cartoon.
The detail for Ram Man is self-evident. I mean this guy looks absolutely fantastic. The expression on Ram Man’s face is just wonderful. Ram Man is also a fully articulated figure. For the first time ever, Ram Man has articulated legs!
The back of Ram Man’s card features nothing but the heroes. I am sure this is a most welcome sight for many fans, because Ram Man has long been on people’s check lists. I know this is about to sound sacrilege, but I have always been curious as to why Ram Man has such massive appeal. I in no way think it is unwarranted; after all, Ram Man is a pretty cool character and I know he is one of the core heroes from MOTU. However I’ve just never quite understood his huge fan following. (This is coming from a person who is obsessed with Princess of Power’s Mermista. So what do I know?)
I have made it no surprise that I am not a huge fan of the “real” names that Mattel has given MOTUC characters, but I like Ram Man’s “real” name being Krass. Ram Man just seems like the type of guy that would be named Krass. I also like his bio because it reads like an origin bio. There are no wacky tales of Ram Man dying or Ram Man having to kill someone. It is just a refreshing bio that gives Rammy an interesting personality.
As you can see, Ram Man is a pretty nice looking figure. He may not have his ramming spring action feature, but he does translate rather well into the Classics line. I also really like that he has articulation in the legs. The detailing on his mystic armor looks very nice too.
I don’t have the original vintage Ram Man, but I do have the 200X Ram Man, and comparing the new one to the 200X version shows just how well his overall aesthetic has translated to current times.
The two also look similar when turned around. Ram Man’s axe fits onto his back, though it was a bit difficult to snap on. I had to slide it by the handle, and actually I am not even sure if this is how the axe should look.
Here is just a larger shot of the axe. It is a nice weapon piece and has some rugged detailing on it. The blade looks a little battle worn from all those fights against Skeletor and the Evil Warriors.
Aside from the axe, Ram fans also got a new head sculpt that is based on a helmet-less head sculpt from the 200X cartoon. It still has that awesome facial expression but also a nice clean look. His buzz cut is also pretty nice looking. It could certainly make a girl swoon.
Just to put things in perspective, here is Ram Man compared to He-Man. There is a slight difference in size for sure. Ram Man is just a hulking sturdy figure. He stands pretty well on his own. The joints are tight and don’t feel loose. Snapping the head sculpts on was not completely easy, and they do feel slightly loose, but they don’t go anywhere.
Ram Man is in a spiky situation.
Ram Man’s fists and head can do some talking!
Ram Man and Jitsu are both highly fan demanded characters that had record sell outs on Mattycollector.com. Both figures are great and highly detailed in that great Classics style. With these two heavy hitters out of the way, I am seriously looking forward to what Mattel has up next!
Grade: A (I really like the sculpt and details on Ram Man. He is a wonderful addition to the Classics style, and is certainly an integral addition to the line.)
![Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb Ram Man & Jitsu pixel Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb Ram Man & Jitsu](http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png)
Feb 26, 2013 -
Ram-Man is a nice figure, its interesting how he resembles the original, yet his legs can move and his arms have real articulation instead of just side to side.
As for his popularity; I think it comes from his springing leg action and people remember that from when they were kids which made him a fun toy–at least that is how I see it.
I think the axe hangs upside down–blade facing down.
Jitsu is just awesome, if you look at the top of the box he has hair stubble on top of his head as though it were shaved, it looks a little weird at first, but then it appears cool in a detail oriented way.
I am of course no fan of the “real” names, and Jitsu’s just seems childish “Chopper” give me a break! There is a million cool Japanese names that can be used–lets call him “Ikari” now that will do! LOL!!!
Great article, I very much enjoyed it.