The Masters of the Universe Classics Club Etheria Subscription got tangled up last month as what was supposed to be an article about Entrapta for September now gets the royal October treatment! One of the figures that fans had long speculated about was the tricky golden beauty called Entrapta. Now at long last the speculation of how she will look can end. Let’s check out the new figure!
Entrapta fits nicely into a regular carded MOTUC bubble. The hair does not pose any problems with being in package. I do like the way she is posed in the bubble. There is a strut in the bubble that just looks fabulous. It looks like she could start walking out into the real world at any moment.
A nice shot of Horde members are on the back with the lone image of Great Rebellion leader Adora in the upper right corner. I would have liked to have seen Mantenna on the back. I think he is certainly one of the best figures made from the Horde side of things.
Entrapta has an amazing bio. I actually like her name. Apparently in this canon, Entrapta is an illegitimate ruler of Bright Moon. Now I follow along soap operas very nicely, so while reading this I can only guess that Entrapta has a familial connection to Angella and Glimmer? Does anyone else get that impression? I find that to be pretty fun. I also like that she sticks around with Hordak for the invasion on Eternia. My thing about Entrapta is this: while Catra will always be She-Ra’s true arch nemesis, Entrapta seemed like more of a true villain. Catra was a villain too, don’t get me wrong, but Catra seemed more misunderstood, whereas Entrapta just seemed bat shit evil. She has hair that moves!
Out of package Entrapta is just amazing to look at. Color and outfit are both spot on. The hair pieces are thrilling. This is Entrapta! There was endless debate on the forums about how Entrapta should be. Would she have gold vac metal for her outfit? Would her hair be rooted, bendable, or plastic? Would she even be affordable to make as a regular figure? The debates raged on, but I have to say, the Four Horsemen really sculpted a nice Entrapta.
I like that her face is molded in the shade of her skin. I sometimes get nervous when face sculpts are painted with flesh tones. It can chip! Her expression is great; she looks really mean and evil. There are some drawbacks; I am not thrilled about the Horde skull on her chest. The blood red seems odd and clashes with her outfit. I wish they had left it alone. Also the hair pieces are made out of a thick plastic which creates a strain on the neck piece, so Entrapta’s head is a bit wobbly at times. However, it is not that bad and as you can see from the pictures, she can stand on her own rather well.
Flipped around we can see in greater detail the hair pieces. These deadly locks have nice movement and flow, but there are also some slight points of articulation for actual movement. The hair can twist at the tips, and both ponytails are jointed at the crown for a few different poses.
Entrapta also comes with two accessories, one which is a nod to the vintage figure and the second that is brand new. Her purple shield is a nice updated version. All the POP figures in the Classics line have been given nice shields to accompany their arms. Entrapta also comes with a shaping staff from the Filmation cartoon that Evil-Lyn used. I’ve been noticing that Mattel has found ways to insert interesting weapons and other accessories with figures to give fans the kinds of items they would like to own without having to make new figures that have previously been made. It’s nice for those who like it.
With her moveable hair, Entrapta is ready to take over Bright Moon and claim her birth right that was denied her due to her illigitmate status. (Apparently royalty has to snub their nose to this sort of thing. She didn’t ask to be born into that mess.)
Can She-Ra stop the tricky golden beauty? Or will the princess of power find herself in a tangled weave of evil?!
Unable to escape the clutches of Entrapta, She-Ra is soon joined by the rebel princess Glimmer! Can she guide their way out of this mess?
The situation looks pretty hairy!
Glimmer screams for help, only Entrapta plans on squeezing Glimmer quiet.
Evil might just prevail, because Entrapta’s role is certain: to take the throne of Bright Moon for herself, with her friend Catra in tow! Together these women of villainous glory will finally take over Etheria for themselves! (Probably not, but a golden beauty can sure hope, huh?)
Grade: A (While there is so much that is perfect about this figure, the red skull and heavy hair keep Entrapta from getting a plus with that A. She is truly a stunning figure though, and one I am thrilled to finally have in the MOTUC line.)