It’s time to look at an all new Masters of the Universe Classics figure: Double Mischief, or rather, Double Trouble as I will forever call her. July marks the beginning of the Club Etheria subscription for MOTUC, a mini-sub that honors the 30th Anniversary of She-Ra: Princess of Power! There are some amazing figures lined up for this mini-sub, so let’s check out the first one!
Double Trouble comes packed on the same card as all the other MOTUC releases. That lovely familiar POP sticker greets us and I love it. Never in a million years will I ever grow tired of seeing that logo. She looks striking in the bubble and while her name has changed, she is still a glamorous double agent! (I wish that were an actual career.)
Flipped around, the card shows off some other POP related items. Snout Sprout is also there, reminding us that he indeed is a part of the lovely world of Etheria. (Snout Sprout was seen in the She-Ra cartoon.)
Double’s bio is an interesting one, if only because I have read this bio a long time ago before this figure was even a twinkle in the Unnamed One’s eye. I really like that she is written as Glimmer’s cousin. It is nice to see a familial connection between these characters.
Out of package Double Trouble looks every bit of her vintage toy counterpart. I have smiled and enjoyed the POP releases in MOTUC for awhile now, but this figure has really given me a touch of nostalgia because she is very much like her vintage toy. The other POP releases have gone more the way of their Filmation looks; however, since Double Trouble never made an appearance in the cartoon, she had no choice but to look like her toy version. The design is fascinating; her long pony tail looks amazing. The colors used for her outfit are bright without being garish.
Turned around we can see that her pony tail indeed moves around! I love the detail with that. Her cape also has a translucent look to it that mimics the thin material used for her vintage one. Also, while her hair is incredibly massive, she can stand on her own.
Now for the moment that has created a load of drama for fans: Double’s face. Like her vintage toy, this Double Trouble can indeed swap faces revealing her “good” side and her “bad” side. This is her sweet innocent face. The problem that fans have reported having with this figure is that her chin and neck look like one whole piece. It is a look that many have deemed unflattering. From certain pictures I can certainly agree. Under a harsh flash, this whole face looks odd.
When taken from the side it is not that bad. The design does look off, but in person it actually isn’t as noticeable. The way her helmet swoops out in person creates a shadow effect that hides the flawed face sculpt. It only really looks odd when a flash is used.
So there are two ways to swap Double’s heads. One part involves taking the hair and top piece of the helmet off, removing the helmet, and then turning the head around. Or, one can just simply turn the beaded green piece under the hair around until the desired face is seen; like this evil Horde face! The face looks fantastic and shares that vintage feel.
Here is a nice shot of Double Trouble getting her spy face on.
Originally Double Trouble came with nothing but a mini-comic. However, this new piece of Trouble also came with a requisite Horde crossbow. The design is simple and I enjoy the use of the green coloring.
The crossbow fits right into her hand and really completes a nice look.
Here is a nice family photo of two cousins from the Great Rebellion! Double Trouble’s auntie Angella would have been there for the family photo, but she’s indisposed for the time being. Try back in 2015 maybe?
While busy running some spy games on the Great Rebellion, Double Trouble joins the bad girls club with the other ladies of the Horde! She doesn’t really fit in per se with the ladies of villainy, but it is nice seeing her in this group!
Finally, Double Trouble with her other friends that make up the first wave of She-Ra characters from the original card back. All that is missing is Angella. It’s crazy to think that we are ever so closer to completely finishing out the Princess of Power toy line.
Grade: A- (The face sculpt could have been executed better, but overall, this is a great figure and a nice solid start to the Etheria mini-sub.)

Jul 30, 2014 -
Oddly, when I looked at the figure for the first time I noticed how the head looked strange, but all in all the figure is nice. I like the translucent cape, I think that is a great touch. The crossbow is a nice inclusion, however, it probably should have had a way to change with her appearance too.
The name–I don’t care if they lost the copyright, its so friggin stupid! They should have just begged with a few million for the name back…pocket change.
Great review; I think I made the right choice by getting the mini subscription, it has a nice selection of figures–Mattel’s first good idea.