Spinnerella: Hmm… I wonder how much longer…
Spinnerella: My goodness, the time. I’m also so hungry, but I’m afraid if I leave I’ll miss her…
Irma: Hi, can I help you? Have you been waiting here long?
Spinnerella: Oh hello! Yes, I have actually been waiting for awhile. I was looking for Miss M? We had an appointment.
Irma: Oh, she should be here soon.
Spinnerella: (sighs) Ok. I suppose I can wait just a little longer…
Irma: (walks off) Cool. Well, see ya. And don’t take anything. I’ve counted the flowers.
Another few days later…
Spinnerella: I am so hungry.
Miss M: Oh my goodness, Spinnerella! What a surprise! How nice to see you!
Spinnerella: Right. I am so happy to finally see you.
Miss M: What are you doing here? Let me guess! You want a sneak peak and top secret look at my review over Huntara for the Masters of the Universe Classics line, huh? She is the March release and has been quite the unexpected release at that!
Spinnerella: Actually I have been waiting on you because you were meant to review me. Back in December.
Miss M: Oh. Shit.
Spinnerella: Yeah. I missed New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day. It’s been like Limbo here while waiting for you.
Miss M: I am so sorry I have kept you waiting. I was supposed to have this review done a long time ago, but in my defense I was involved in a trial over my murder. I went to space. And I went to Vegas. It’s been a bit busy.
Spinnerella: Ok. So… Do you just want me to twirl away now?
Miss M: No! Never! Cue the opening credits! Let’s get this expired review going!
Hey everyone! Let’s travel back in time for a moment, shall we? I promised you all a review on the final figure of the Princess of Power mini subscription from the Masters of the Universe Classics line and I hope to entertain and dazzle with the dizzying defender of Etheria: Spinnerella!
Packed on the usual card as other MOTUC figures, Spinnerella fills in the missing spot for many fan’s collections because she is one of the rarest characters from the vintage line. Get those kidneys and fancy organs ready because it will cost more than just one organ to purchase a mint vintage Spinnerella. A vintage Spinnerella is quite like finding the Loch Ness Monster, it might happen for a few, but only a few. Either way, she fills the bubble nicely, but let’s look at her more closely to see why Mattel really knocked it out of the park.
Back of the card features the usual suspects! With Spinnerella now released, there are only a few more PoP figures from the vintage line left for fans to grab. Spinnerella does factor in though as a long awaited release.
Here is her bio. Spinnerella’s bio is a nice and simple one. It explains who she is and her connection to people in the PoP mythos.
She has a hard time standing on her own and I’m not sure if that is due to weak ankles or all that big hair. Either way Spinnerella is one of the most beautiful figures that I have ever seen. Her fringe skirt and arm cuffs have great detail. I would have enjoyed the material to have been made of a softer plastic as there is not a lot of movement, but the overall effect of the figure is stunning. She also features the same points of articulation like the other figures in the line. I also like the use of color. The pinks, blues, and lavender all work really well together.
Where the figure truly shines though is with her face sculpt. Goddess is the word I think of when I look at her face sculpt. There is a serenity I feel when I look at this figure. I also like the skin tone as well as the bright pink for her lips. They captured the look of the vintage figure completely.
Hair is an important accessory and Spinnerella has it in spades. From the back, the hair sculpt looks massive. It also comes in three pieces. There is the main piece connected to the head sculpt, a pony tail, and the top crown.
The pieces come apart to create two different looks. This is a nice bonus and the design fits in seamlessly with the figure.
Aside from hair pieces, Spinnerella also comes with a spear and requisite PoP shield. The bright pink on the shield is stunning with shimmery details.
The spear glides easily into Spinnerella’s hand. This is a new item for the character. The vintage toy did not have a spear or any weapon for that matter. A spear makes sense though. Her spinning abilities seem like a nice fit for use with a long weapon for either spinning or throwing.
Finally Netossa can join her close friend Spinnerella on holiday. The two had an incredibly close relationship in the cartoon and that relationship has since taken on a more romantic tone for some fans of the mythos. Now this is not official, but for some fans, Netossa and Spinnerella are one of the premier couples on Etheria.
All in all, Spinnerella makes for a fantastic final figure from the Club Etheria mini subscription. To finally have a figure that has been impossible to own in vintage form, I am perfectly content with this Classics form.
Grade: A (Even though her ankles might be weak, Spinnerella makes for a strong figure in the line.)
Miss M: So there you have it, a wonderful review for a dizzying defender!
Spinnerella: That’s it though? I kinda thought the review would be longer. I’ve waited all this time.
Miss M: Umm, you can keep the spear!
Spinnerella: Cool. I’ll take it. It’s been real Miss M.
Miss M: Yeah. Take care! Don’t be a stranger!
Spinnerella: (walks off) Yeah, have a good night.
Miss M: Wow. She was so nice. I thought for sure she’d be a diva since I left her waiting for so long.
Miss M: Oh crap. She left her shield.
Miss M: Spinnerella, don’t go! You left your shield!
Miss M: My goodness she is so fast.
Miss M: (stands still in surprise) Oh my. What are you doing here?
Tung Lashor: I could asssk you the sssame thing. You made a promissse.
Miss M: I did?
Tung Lashor: You promisssed me a sssplasshy photo ssspread. Back in Novemeber.
Miss M: Crap. I really suck at life. Listen, I’m so sorry, but I just don’t have the time to show off pictures of you right now. I’m kinda waiting to review Huntara. Also, you have nipples. What are your thoughts on that? Cool new feature, or odd design choices?
Tung Lashor: This is unacceptable. You will pay for thisss.
Miss M: Do you always have to lengthen your words that have an ‘s’ in them?
Tung Lashor: Yesss. Now prepare to die! (Aims Horde crossbow at Miss M)
Tung Lashor: I dare! (fires crossbow)
Miss M: Not my face! (shouts and uses shield to protect her face) Ha! No dice snake face!
Tung Lashor: When I am finsshed with you, you will remember my name: Tung Lasshor!
Miss M: I know your name fool. Everyone does. Now, do you belong to the Snake Men or the Horde?
Tung Lashor: Both. (slithers tongue out)
Miss M: Oh crap. I’m going to be snake food.
Tung Lashor: Yum.
She-Ra: I can see that someone needs to be tongue tied.
Tung Lashor: (Mumbles in pain.) Translation: Sshe-Ra!
She-Ra: Time for a New Adventure Snake Man. You aren’t welcome here Tung Lashor.
Miss M: Oh my goodness, you look so cool She-Ra.
She-Ra: Thank you. I have been in space, rewriting my bio.
She-Ra: (visor slides open) As for Tung Lashor, it’s time for you to leave this place.
Tung Lashor: (Mumbles) Translation: My tongue will grow back. I wonder if the sssame can be sssaid for thisss dork girl after I rip her head off. I will then dine on it in front of you Sshe-Ra.
Miss M: What did he just say She-Ra?
She-Ra: I’ll tell ya later. Look Tung Lashor, I’ve got a sword and a gun. Give me your best shot.
Tung Lashor: (mumbles some more) Translation: Whatever. I’m done.
She-Ra: And that is how you save the day. Back your threats up with a neon green sword and a tiny plastic silver gun.
Miss M: Oh She-Ra, you are the best.
She-Ra: Nah. It was just perfect timing that I arrived when I did. I seem to recall you telling me you wanted to take extra photos of me to go with my original review from a few months ago. I forgot the time actually and once I realized this was supposed to have happened months ago I rushed over as fast as I could. I hope you haven’t been waiting to review me for too long…
Miss M: Oh, well, I was maybe waiting a little while, but better late than never right?
She-Ra: Whew. I totally agree. Now, where do you want me?
There you have it folks! Spinnerella reviewed with some bonus shots of the spectacular Tung Lashor and New Adventures She-Ra. All great looking figures. Now stick around! The March figure Huntara will be reviewed in three months! Ba-da-bum.