We are a day into September and already I am behind. However, where I live, the heat is so bad it still feels like August. So we shall simply pretend that this review takes place in August and all is still right with the world. The Club Etheria mini-subscription from the popular Masters of the Universe Classics line released a controversial character in August: Madame Razz and her trusty Broom. Let’s check her out!
Packed on the usual card and bubble as other basic MOTUC figures; Madame Razz is anything but basic. One can see already that the sculpt is entirely unique and new. There are no reusable parts on this witch. Actually, I must confess, once I took this figure out of the brown mailer box, I felt this strange sense rush over me. It was part nostalgia and part pure awesome, because this is the first time there has ever been a Madame Razz figure for sale. I wasn’t sure how I was going to react to this figure, but I can honestly say, I am thrilled that she was made.
Here is a shot of the back of her card. It features a usual cast of suspects. I like that Snout Sprout also ends up on the back of the Princess of Power characters. It’s like a reminder, “There were other dudes on Etheria.”
The bio for Madame Razz is also a nice depiction of who she is as a character. It makes since that we have a Madame Razz figure. She is one of three that knows Adora’s secret. How could she not be made?
Outside of the package Madame Razz and Broom strike a fun appearance. The dimensions of the figure are perfect. This looks like Madame Razz! Her sculpt is also entirely new. She has interesting points of articulation. Even Broom has articulation in the arms, which is nice because he could have just been one solid piece. The only concern I have regards her feet. They are tiny and dainty. I am concerned that her body being so top heavy will weaken her ankles in time.
Look at this face though! The Four Horsemen designed Madame Razz so well, that she truly looks like she stepped out of the Filmation cartoon. I adore this sculpt. The coloring and paint look fantastic.
Even Broom, a very simple figure, has such great animation to him. He looks like he could fly off at any second.
The excellent work continues when these figures are turned around. The cape on Madame Razz is nice and full. The etchings in the wood for Broom are all over. These are just really nice figures. I’m also glad she was part of the Club Etheria subscription. As I mentioned earlier, this was a controversial character to be made in figure form. Some fans were livid that they would have to possibly own her. I guess old witches are not for everyone, but she is totally for me!
One final picture! Madame Razz, Broom, and Kowl. All that’s missing is Loo-Kee and the Twiggets. 2015 might be the final year for the Masters of the Universe Classics line, but it is certainly nice to finally be filling out the rest of the Great Rebellion.
Grade: A- (This witch has cast a spell on me, but can she cast a spell on those tiny feet to prevent her from one day falling over? Only time will tell.)

Sep 2, 2014 -
I like the figure, I think she is interesting if anything and all of the message boards were “Make a Razz and Broom for the SDCC!” So what’s the problem–whiny bitches!
Mine will remain boxed, but I’m happy to have something very new that actually existed in the cartoon for many, many episodes, not just one or two. However, to be honest, I found Double Trouble and Razz to be the “beginning” characters–literally; now its time for the grade “A” like Entrapta! The only character worth while, she trumps Mermista by a million miles……..I am of course just kidding with you–I hate to say it, but I think Mermista might be better than Entrapta by far, but I love Entrapta, so she is my choice!