How is everyone doing on this fine October day? Well, I am here to make it an even better day by looking at some toys! Most notably the September Masters of the Universe Classics releases. September was good to MOTUC fans that were hankering for a space cowboy and a certain unbe-weave-able Horde villain. (More on her later on.) So let’s get this article started with a look at Rio Blast the Heroic Transforming Gunslinger!
Rio Blast comes on the standard MOTUC card. He fills the bubble nicely and he has a nice look to him in package. Very menacing Western chic. I like it. Plus this figure has an interesting color combo that we have not seen in awhile. Lots of blues and browns make up the look.
On the flipside, fans can check out some other MOTUC offerings. Poor Roboto. I wish I had gotten one, only it was probably for the best because it has often been reported that parts of him broke apart pretty easily.
Rio’s bio is standard MOTUC fare. The name leaves much to be desired, but that is ok. I am not collecting these figures for their names. He has an interesting bio. It’s nice that he is not an Eternian. I think we can all agree that it would be weird if a space cowboy was just born and raised on Eternia, or maybe not. Maybe there could be an Old West section of Eternia chock full of cowboys and Native Eternians. None of this is making any sense.
Out of package, Rio is a strapping man. Plus he is a symbol of two things I adore. He is a space cowboy. I love space and, being from Texas, I do have a soft spot for cowboys. Only the cowboys in my neck of the woods are all gay, so Rio Blast is about the closest thing I’ll get to a cowboy boyfriend. Le sigh. Either way, the sculpting is superb on this figure. The colors look nice as do all the details.
Up close Rio Blast looks really strapping. The face sculpt of the men in the MOTUC line really have a great rugged look to them. Rio Blast looks like he could be the Gunslinger from the Dark Tower series or something. He just has a nice look.
The details look even better from behind. The vest looks great. He has gadgets and other doohickeys on his belt, but that is not all!
His spurs look so nice! I feel like this figure has some of the best details out of most of the He-Man figures. I am just really impressed with his entire look.
A large of assortment of items also came packed with Rio Blast. He comes with his backpack, knee blasts, chest blaster, and the blasters that slide into his arms.
The pack snaps on easily onto his back. It feels very light and is not heavy at all. It also does not hinder his ability to stand on his own.
Sliding part of the pack up and over, the backpack piece finishes off the traditional Rio Blast “look.”
Tubing from the pack slides into the holes inside his arms. The tubing is soft so it is very easy to slide in.
Blasters snap onto each arm on the underside. There are a lot of parts for this figure!
The tops of his boots fold down so that the knee blasters can snap in place.
A piece on his chest folds down for the chest blaster.
All together now, Rio Blast is ready to stop Skeletor and the Evil Warriors. All those blasters do seem a bit excessive, but he is a space cowboy. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that Rio Blast was actually from Texas and not space. The figure is a very interesting mix of genres and has a perfect fit for the line. Also, attaching the accessories was easy and his joints were all nice.
The Good. The Bad. And the Rio Blast!
Grade A+ (Rio Blast is an impressive figure; full of detail and western space charm, this is a nice addition to the line. He represents the quirky side of the original line and that is just awesome!)