It’s been awhile, but the time to look at the November Masters of the Universe Classics releases is at hand! It’s been a jam packed few weeks with the holidays and my shipment arriving at the tail end of the month, but I have looked at everything and taken some notes on the releases for November. I have a lot to say, so let’s jump right in!
There were two items released for the regular subscription in November, a beast and a basic figure.
Tung Lashor was the figure for November and he strikes a slithery fear in the hearts of mere masters in his package. He fills the package with a lot of color. Tung Lashor is one of the most colorful of figures from this line.
Here is a closer look at the figure. For the purpose of the November releases, I am not removing them from the packages. I will however add some pictures of them out of package for a special set of articles at the end of the month. The sculpt for Tung Lashor is very interesting. His hands look cool and his colors really pop. He also has nipples. This does not bother me but for some reason it did disrupt a few fan’s feathers. He also comes with an extra head featuring his long tongue as well as a crossbow and a snake staff. I am not a rabid fan of the Snake Men, but I do like this colorful character. The appearance of both weapons is a nod to Tung Lashor’s role as that of a Snake Man (with the staff) and his role as a member of the Horde in the She-Ra cartoon (hence the crossbow.) He comes with quite a lot add-ins which is always a nice thing.
The back of the card features standard releases. I enjoy the other Snake Men figures. They are very cool and interesting looking. Their presence in the story line might not be my most favorite; I do however really enjoy the look of these figures.
His bio is a nice mixture of basic operations for his skills as well as a bit of his connections to the other MOTU characters. The story line also seems to bring in a combination of the She-Ra cartoon as well as the 200X cartoon. I rather like it and enjoy it, as opposed to some of the other bios for the month of November.
Grade: A (The Snake Men figures always provide new sculpts and creepy ways of updating the original figures. Tung Lashor may not be my favorite out of his slithery brethren, but his bright colors and accessories make for an awesome release!)
Up next is the beast. No, not the Beast from X-Men, but the beast release of the MOTUC line. However, this release should have had something in common with Marvel’s Beast. More on that in a second. The release for November was Bow’s steed: Arrow.
Arrow comes packed in a large box, much like that of Swiftwind. I must be honest; I was a bit underwhelmed with Arrow. This is another one of those instances where the toy and the appearance in the cartoon are two very different animals. Vintage Arrow was a winged blue horse while this release is full of dull and muted colors based off the Filmation cartoon. He does come with wings though to add on and give the appearance of the original toy, but the wings are colored very similar to Swiftwind. Sadly this release is just mediocre for me. I would have loved for the horse to be in blue or even a pale blue. Something needed to be added to this horse to make it stand out. I am just feeling incredibly ‘blah’ about this release. Maybe that’s just because I am super stoked for Mermista this month.
Flipped around, the box shares the images of other Princes of Power characters, like the Star Sisters! I so thoroughly enjoy the Star Sisters. I know they still leave a bitter taste in some fan’s mouths, but I am always overjoyed to see the Star Sisters any chance I get.
The bio paints Arrow as a noble and swift steed able to help the heroes. All I can notice is that the picture used for Arrow has the colors I would have preferred on the toy. A pale blue horse with blue hair would have been so much more interesting to look at. Oh well, it is still nice that Bow has a ride of his own.
That’s about it for the Club Eternia subscription items for November. I have one more review to address and that is the New Adventures She-Ra figure. I have plenty to say about that! I hope that everyone has been doing well. Stick around as the final articles for the 2014 MOTUC releases come up soon!
Grade: B (Arrow has a gorgeous sculpt and it is a nice figure to own, however I am just underwhelmed with the choice of colors. I would have rather seen Arrow with some blue.)