Masters of the Universe Classics showed no signs of stopping with the double feature for May. A standard figure and beast sized figure were released for subscribers and day of sales. Both releases were new to collectors who have long dreamt of owning Battle Lion (King Grayskull’s Battle Cat) and Scorpia (another great Horde villainess.) Neither items have been made before and while there was the typical reuse of parts, there are plenty of new sculpt pieces that make this a month of some magnificent MOTUC collecting. Let’s look!
Battle Lion comes boxed in the usual packaging for a large cat-sized creature. Battle Cat and Panthor both came in similar sized boxes. The window is nice and large focusing on the massive beast inside. The Powers of Grayskull sticker assigns the figure to a particular faction. Having been seen in the 2002 He-Man cartoon, this lion was like Battle Cat from the past.
Up close, the detail is superb. The lion’s mane looks amazing on this item. The armor pieces are also nicely constructed. There is more detail to this item than say a Battle Cat or Panthor. For the purpose of this review though he will not be taken out of the box; I am not sure if I will be keeping him or not. It’s one of the things about collecting this line, there is so much greatness in it, but I simply cannot own every single item. (Unless I lived in a bigger house.)
The back of the box features some other Power of Grayskull characters for release. It’s a nice line up. Although, I must say, I would like to see them release some more female characters from this faction. I’m curious to see a She-Ra type character from the Power of Grayskull era.
Back on track though, here is Battle Lion’s bio. It’s a nice bio. There isn’t much to it, but then again, like Battle Cat, Battle Lion is really just about being a steed for the hero of the universe. Although I must say, I would really love a side adventure with the creatures of the MOTU mythos. It wouldn’t make much sense, but I think a story involving Battle Cat, Orko, Panthor, Loo-Kee, Kowl, and Clawdeen would be fun. This is why I am not in charge of anything.
Grade- A (The figure looks cool. Though he might not be for me, I can honestly look at him and see that he is a very nice looking figure.)
Let’s move onto my favorite part about the May releases! Scorpia!
Just look at her. My goodness this is a cool figure. Scorpia was a character in the She-Ra cartoon and a part of the villainous Horde. There was never a figure made, partly due to Filmaton owning the rights to her, but I would also suspect Mattel might have thought Scorpia would not have had much of a place in the She-Ra toy line and the He-Man toy line was already on its last few breaths. This is all speculation though.
Turned around, the card shows the always fun Horde. The Horde did have some very interesting looking characters. However I’m not that interested in the Spirit of Hordak figure. I understand why fans like him, but I just have no desire for him.
Scorpia’s bio is really nice. First off, she was treated like a bumbling fool in the cartoon. (As was the case with most evil characters in the cartoon.) However I really like the idea that Scorpia joined the Horde in a “can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” mentality. I also like that more is explained about her being from a race of warrior claw women. Also, her own designs to one day rule Etheria make her far more interesting than just a side Horde character. I like this! Usually I do not get too thrilled with the bios, but I think this one was great.
Out of package, Scorpia is even cooler. The coloring and sculpt of this figure is amazing. She looks like she stepped out of the cartoon into real life.
I like the detail on her face. I wouldn’t say she has a beautiful face sculpt like Netossa, (so far Netossa has had the nicest looking face in the female figure department) but her face has a biting beauty to it. Her look is severe and I mean that in a good way.
The detail to her pincers is sublime! The bumps really add to the impression that she is some creature from a desert.
From a side view we can see how her tail scoops out. The tail is made of a soft plastic and it is just creepy cool. I love the detail put into this figure. Even her boots have a cool look to them. They are a completely new sculpt and they look really fun. I like the heel, very insect-like.
Another great thing about the tail is that it can twist. There isn’t a whole lot of articulation on her tail, but there is enough to make it an interesting item.
With such a cool tail, it would seem that Mattel would not really need to add anything else with Scorpia. They did though by giving her a requisite Horde crossbow. Her crossbow is themed after a scorpion and snaps very easily onto her wrist. Very nice.
Here are the Horde ladies, all set to make some trouble for the Great Rebellion. I wanted to feature all Horde members together, but this one is for the girls. I also couldn’t find a way to fit everyone together. (But you didn’t really need to know that.) Anyways, all this group is missing is the glorious Entrapta, and then the female section of the Horde will be complete. I actually can’t believe that.
One last photo! I love this picture because it really shows the diversity of the Horde ladies. The facial sculpts are all so unique and menacing. Now we are finally getting to the best part of the line. I have been dreaming about these characters for a very long time and to see them made in such great detail, well, it is just a very nice treat. If you are getting excited with me, just wait! The She-Ra subscription kicks off this Summer so there will be even more epic MOTUC awesomeness!
Grade- A+ (Scorpia has a lot going for her, from head to tail. I think this figure is a great representation of her appearance from the cartoon and makes a very cool figure.)