A look at the February Masters of the Universe Classics releases continues with this second part featuring the rebel princess of Bright Moon: Glimmer! This long awaited release has been a special treat for fans so sit back and enjoy this look at the one and only guide who lights the way!
Packed on a standard card, Glimmer comes with the Princess of Power logo sticker across the bubble. Her coloring is bright and filled with all the whimsy from Etheria and the Whispering Woods.
Turned around, the back of the card shows off some other POP releases including Man-At-Arms. I am not sure why Man-At-Arms is mentioned on the back of this card. I think He-Man would have made a better choice, but that doesn’t matter! Glimmer is finally here!
Her bio is one of the best. I love that Mattel continues the tradition of using the vintage card back images of the POP characters for use on the current bio cards. This image of Glimmer is one of my favorites and really sums up the whimsical and dazzling nature of the POP princess.
Here is Glimmer out of package and hanging out in the courtyard at Bright Moon Palace. For those interested, I used a Playmobil play set and silk flowers for the lush floral backdrop in the background. Who really cares about the set design though, am I right? We want to check out the figure!
Glimmer is in the same scale as the basic female MOTUC figures. She has one hand closed while the other hand is open. Her design is based from the She-Ra cartoon and not the toy line, like most of the POP releases. Her colors are bright with a nice shimmer effect in the paint.
Upon a closer look we can see that the Four Horsemen wasted no time in making another beautifully sculpted face for the female characters. The Four Horsemen know how to sculpt a pretty face and a nice head of hair. Her eyes look slightly off, but I have searched and looked over many Glimmer figures on secondary markets and they all seem to have that same look.
Her hair is perfect and looks just like the Filmation Glimmer. I would have liked the coloring to have been a slight brighter pink, but it does work as a muted shade. The overall coloring on this figure really works. I like the brightness of all the POP figures released in the Classics line. This aesthetic makes each figure really stand out.
The items she comes with are her staff from the vintage line and an orb of magical light energy. The staff is a thing of pure beauty. It is such a stunning replica of the original. (Even though it does not glow in the dark, but that is ok.) I also need to get used to the stone having a yellow look to it, but at the end of the day this staff is pure POP perfection.
Even the back continues that elegant detailing with the bloom detail at the top of the staff. This was one of my favorite POP accessories as a kid. It was always so beautiful. Who wouldn’t want to walk around with this staff in their possession? There is just a classic and fun look to it.
The staff is very easy to slide into Glimmer’s hand. I like how the whole look. She looks striking with the staff and all her powers ready to take on the Horde!
I also think the orb in her hand is a fun addition. The orb can stay in place very easily if her hand is in the correct pose. I also like that the POP ladies have been given all kinds of fun pieces to further enhance their fantastic magical roles in the series. (Like Castaspella’s magic burst piece for example.)
All together now, the Great Rebellion is growing in large numbers. It is becoming more and more difficult to include everyone in the picture! But what a lovely picture it is. There are just a handful of POP characters left and here’s hoping that fans will get to see this line fully realized. Be sure to also check out the ultra special Club Etheria subscription on MattyCollector. (Enrollment for the club ends on March 10th.) Fans of He-Man and She-Ra now have the chance to sign up for some truly wonderful figures from the She-Ra cartoon and toy line.
Grade: A+ (It’s practically criminal that we just now got to Glimmer in the MOTUC line, but she is finally here and she is a stunning figure. If the line ends tomorrow, I know many fans will be pleased to finally have their true princess. I on the other hand am still holding out hope for that lovely mist-i-fying mermaid: Mermista. Until next time!)