February was a special month for the Masters of the Universe Classics line. So special in fact that I had to break the figure reviews into a two part extravaganza! After all, Modulok and Glimmer are two very important releases that deserve their own articles. I also am slightly delayed with my musings on these two figures, but the articles are finally here along with some fun pictures! So let’s look at the first character from February: Modulok. Modulok. Modulok!!!
Modulok came packed in a box. No blister or card needed for this unique figure; just a nice box with image of the figure in his regular form as well as some combinations that the figure can be transformed into, which is a nod to the original packaging. The hallmark of this figure was that there were multiple combinations for this figure to be displayed.
Flipped around the back of the box shares some of Modulok’s other Horde members that have been previously released. A bio also finishes out the bottom of the box.
The bio is a very cool one. Modulok is a figure that looks like he’d be nothing more than a vicious creature with zero intellect, but he is a demented scientist! That’s one of the scariest things a person could be! Out of all the bios from this line, Modulok’s is one of the creepier ones.
Out of the box, Modulok comes packed with all the various parts needed to make one fierce member of the Horde. The display is impressive and it is insane at all the work that went into making this figure possible.
Check out the detail to one of Modulok’s heads! He looks just like he stepped out from the cartoon. While he may have been seen as a bumbling villain in the Filmation She-Ra cartoon, he is certainly a villainous looking creature.
The other head is not short on detail either. The green eyes look impressive and create a nice color contrast from the rest of the red themes with the figure.
Two weapons are included with the figure. Both weapons are nice replicas of what came with the vintage release.
All put together Modulok is quite the fun toy. The plastic used with this figure is softer and allows for an easy experience with snapping together all the combinations.
The old adage that two heads are better than one certainly makes for a cool literal interpretation. He just looks cool! I am not sure what else I can say about him. I never owned this figure growing up, but there is something fun about having the chance to own him now.
A side view shows the interesting design of the pieces. It is simply astonishing that all of these parts can be put together to form a six legged bad guy. Putting this figure together was pure fun.
Another perspective of this figure details the sheer size of him. Modulok can be turned into a standard sized figure or he can become something massive. The possibilities are truly endless as you will see in just a moment.
Poor He-Man approaches the vile Modulok! The weapons are not exactly easy to hold in place with the clawed hands, but they fit nicely in the regular hands. Of course the important detail is, what is He-Man going to do?
Wait for She-Ra to jump in and save the day of course! Able to dodge a laser blast with her sword in the quickest of ease, She-Ra knows that Modulok is no match for her. Modulok may have originally been a part of the Masters of the Universe toy line, but he came to life in the She-Ra cartoon and would love nothing more than to make mince meat out of the most powerful woman in the universe!
Only Modulok is powerless as She-Ra pulls back for one of her powerful punches!
Making direct contact with the fiend’s chest, She-Ra prepares to be triumphant!
While Modulok falls to pieces!
Modulok can only wonder what his next move should be. Perhaps a new look?
There are so many! He could hop around.
Or he could become something truly grotesque.
I would be really scared if I saw this thing coming at me.
There are so many different ways for Modulok to look. As I was getting this article ready I found so many ideas racing through my mind about how I could put him together.
The process of how he was made and how he works as a toy is really genius. This is a figure that is truly worth every penny.
This is another one of my favorite combinations. He just looks menacing.
All those arms and legs coming together; this all makes for one of the coolest MOTUC figures to be made thus far! Many fans were curious as to how Modulok would turn out, but is clear that he turned out exactly how he needed to be. Parts and all.
Grade: A+ (Nothing could knock this grade down. The construction of this figure and the various parts is phenomenal. Everything just fits together so nicely. Great figure and this release is another reminder that the best is still yet to come!)
Stick around folks! There’s one more article for the February releases coming up and it will be lighting the way into your collection, if not your heart. Until then!

Tracy Johnson
Mar 4, 2014 -
Good review, phenomenal pictures…Modulok is a toy I would have played with for hours as a kid, with all of the posing options. In fact, he looks fun now!