Discussing the August releases from Masters of the Universe Classics in September continues with two looks at very different figures. The New Adventures of He-Man and Princess of Power both got plenty of representation for the month of August. For NA He-Man, fans got to rest their hands (finally) on NA Skeletor. Let’s check him out first.
The usual spiel goes on and on, he comes on the regular card. He actually fills the card up rather well. This is a bulky Skeletor. Mattel even managed to throw in an extra surprise, which will be discussed in a bit. The Space Mutants sticker nicely caps off the whole effect for this figure in package.
Flipped around, NA Skeletor shares space with other NA releases as well as a suspicious image of Faker in the upper corner. I wonder why Faker, a figure not part of NA, would be featured with other NA figures…
Here is the bio for this version of Skeletor. I like the image Mattel used for this bio card as well as the actual bio itself. It makes sense that Skeletor would want to set his sight on bigger things and rule the universe. He-Man, She-Ra, and most of the Masters of the Universe gang in conjunction with the Galactic Protectors all taking part in the battle against Skeletor makes the story that more fun and entertaining.
Out of package, NA Skeletor is a beast of a figure. This is a huge figure. His techno armor lends a massive amount of bulk to this figure. The detailing on this figure though is some of the most impressive sculpting I have seen on a MOTUC figure. The techno organic parts that are fused with Skeletor’s body look so unbelievably cool and really lend a hand to an overall creepy effect that blends fantasy and science fiction in the coolest of ways.
A face that only a mother could love! The facial sculpt for this Skeletor is so creepy cool I wish there was a way to see this face move in real life. He has a helmet on his head that can be removed, but check out the detail to his eyes and how the whole face has a severe rotting look to it. I think the sculpting for this face is very impressive.
As I mentioned, the helmet can come off. This is where things get even cooler. The techno organic virus used to prolong Skeletor’s life appears to be drilling into his skull. Just look at the detail on this sculpt and the nice shading used to fade from his skull face to a more grim color in the back.
This is what the back looks like. The device on his head looks painful. But can we talk capes? It is no secret that I love a good cape. I think they are fashionable for both women and men alike and really need a comeback. I think this giant sweeping cape is perfect for Skeletor. It lends a hand to an otherworldly royal look that is perfect for the villain on the go.
A closer shot of the back of his head reveals some pretty cool techno spinal armor as well. The detail on this figure is just staggering. He is a bit bulky, but with all this detail it is hard not to like the figure’s style.
It’s accessory time! Skeletor comes with a weapon (more on that in a moment) and this really cool Faker head with revealing robotic damage! This is a nice head sculpt and can easily be used to swap out with the original Faker’s head, or any MOTUC figure.
The other item that came with NA Skeletor is this massive staff with blade at the end. The detail and metallic coloring create a distinct and deadly looking weapon for the man that wants to rule the universe. Parts of it look slightly random, but all in all, it fits with the character. It might be a little too thick at first to fit into his hand, but the piece does slide in easily enough.
Grade: A (NA Skeletor is a bit on the bulky side, but it all creates a mighty visual. This is one villain that is ready to strike fear and brutality towards anyone that tries to cross him.)
Now we move along to the beautiful flying lookout: Flutterina!
Similar to NA Skeletor, Flutterina takes up a lot of space in package. She comes with wings, a sword, and a shield. And some purple hair. This is an exciting release! Originally from the second series of vintage Princess of Power toys, Flutterina marks the first release from that second wave of action dolls. The second wave of POP toys was very fantasy based with most of the girls having some sort of creature based feature tied to them. Flutterina is of course a human/butterfly hybrid.
The back of the card features the standard list of POP related classics available. 2014 continues to be a banner year for POP. We’ve already gotten some impressive POP characters and will only continue to get more throughout the rest of the year.
Flutterina’s bio is a great one. I like the details used to create an origin for Flutterina while also spilling that she shares a romance with the new Man-At-Arms which happens to be Clamp Champ! Now these are the types of details I want in my MOTUC bios.
Out of package and wingless, Flutterina sports some new sculpts while also sharing some reused parts. Her overall color use is different than her pastel shaded original. Her hair and clothes are a deeper hue as is her skin tone, which is nice. Aside from Netossa, the original POP action dolls all had fair skin, so it is nice that Flutterina has a darker skin tone.
Her face sculpt has a nice look to it. The face sculpts for these female figures always look impeccable. I also like the eye makeup on this figure; it is very reminiscent of her brief appearances in the cartoon.
Turned around, Flutterina has a nice hair sculpt to accommodate her wings. There are also holes in her back that allow the wings to snap on.
Flutterina comes with a shield that is the standard POP shield. The color of course matches the coloring for Flutterina. Mattel also threw in a sword, which I really like. While she is a “look out” and not meant to be that much of a fighter, it only makes sense that the ladies of the Great Rebellion have swords and such since they are trying to free their world from the evil Horde.
The wings snapped on easily enough for me. I had no problems attaching her wings. The wings are very colorful and really complete the look. The design is completely based off the toy and just makes me smile. I adore this look and the figure is really nice.
Flutterina is all decked out and ready to fight for the Great Rebellion. I had planned on showcasing all the POP figures together, but I wanted her all alone to show off that this is the only POP figure from the second series of POP toys. Very soon she will be far from alone.
Grade: A+ (Flutterina is stunning and another reason why, in my opinion, the POP releases in the MOTUC line have really been stellar.)

Sep 4, 2014 -
WOW! Skeletor is great, of course, don’t read the “bio;” that isn’t what happened. In the real mini comic story, Skeletor grabs hold of the Power Sword while Adam is changing into He-Man and almost dies, he then uses technology on …I think it was the Starship Eternia and like Jason in “X” he rebuilds his body into somewhat of a cyborg form–and for some reason becomes stupid in the cartoon??? UGH! The line from the Sorceress is “Prince Adam no more…” The first NA mini comic is a masterpiece–but the idiots at Mattel have to ruin everything, the “bio’s” should just be history on the character, this is a collectors line after all.
I have Flutterina of course and she is really nice. Were you unable to put her shield on like with Frosta? Was it too tight feeling? If so, try to put it on facing down and then turn it up into her wrist.
Even late, its a good article and once again, Skeletor is really something, if he comes out as a re-issue next year (or stock sell off), I’ll pick him up, but I didn’t have the money this time–but, I have Castaspella!!! Better late then never or aftermarket.