The month of April may have started out for the fools, but the month can only end with the hack ‘n slash style of the evil master of swords: Blade! Not the vampire Blade from Marvel comics, but the very cool Blade from the Masters of the Universe Classics line! He was the only release for the Club Eternia subscription this month so without wasting any more time, let’s check out the first MOTUC release from the 1987 Masters of the Universe motion picture.
Blade comes standard on a regular MOTUC card that we have seen for many years now with this line. Immediately upon view, the detail of Blade’s chainmail is exquisite. The chainmail looks almost real. Also, as with certain factions of the MOTUC, stickers will appear across the bubble detailing the specific faction. I had assumed there would be a MOTU movie sticker of some sort marking Blade’s appearance in the film, however Blade is a part of the original toy line and none of those figures have stickers because the MOTUC banner is essentially that faction’s logo.
Here we have another close look at Blade. The attention to detail is really astonishing with this figure. I know that I usually open these figures, but this month I will be refraining from opening. There are certain figures that I have to open and then there are some that I like keeping in the package. Blade is one of them. Aside from all his interesting detail, Blade does come with two swords and a flame whip styled weapon.
On the flip side of the card, a list of other MOTUC figures is shown. These are some of the best MOTUC figures. Stinkor and Scareglow are two great figures. I really enjoy their designs and they further add to the interesting mix of figures in this line.
Blade’s bio is full of extra added information as well as basic plot points from his role in the 1987 movie. His bio is a relatively simple bio. There is nothing shocking about it; the bio is just a nice peek into the nature of who this evil master of swords is.
Blade marks a really important release for MOTUC fans. For years there has been speculation about the eventual release of the figures from the 1987 film, and Blade proves that the movie related figures can look pretty impressive. So I guess this means… bring on Gwildor? Enjoy the pictures everyone and stick around for the MOTUC release for the month of May! We finally get to see the vile and vicious Scorpia!
Grade: A+ (The figure has great detail and an imposing sculpt. Blade is another nice addition to the ever growing MOTUC line.)