Jeri Ryan Will Be Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat Show

large Jeri+Ryan003 jpg 1253758087 Jeri Ryan Will Be Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat Show

Jeri Ryan has confirmed through Twitter that she’ll be back to play Sonya Blade in the new show, Mortal Kombat.  She was first seen as Sonya in the trailer for the “realistic” version of Mortal Kombat several months ago.  Today she twitted with:

“Heading to the farmer’s market with the hubs & my girl. Then this evening I head to Vancouver to shoot Mortal Kombat! (NOW it’s official) ”


“BTW, just finished reading the whole script for Mortal Kombat. Holy crap… I think u might just love it. Get ready…”

WB has announced they will release the show through internet channels like iTune Store and Amazon for a small fee.  So far, the fees aren’t going well with the fans so let’s hope the final product will be good.

Source: Screen Rant

Because of Ryan’s confirmation, let’s celebrate by looking at more pics of Sonya:
JeriRyanguapisima Jeri Ryan Will Be Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat Show 

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