iPad Confuses Me

iPad iPad Confuses Me

So the brilliant Steve Jobs showed off the long rumored iPad.  iPad is similar to an iPhone in that you can have have a gazillion apps ready at your helm and a touch screen.  The difference is that the iPad has 9.7 inches of screen.  You can go online with it so you can check Facebook and read news articles.  But besides having a big ass screen, who wants to carry a tablet around?

If I want a screen that big, I might as well get a laptop for the same price, $500.  Sure, the laptop is bulkier and heavier but at least you can finish your work on the go, while iPad is meant for internet surfing and retrieving e-mails.  What the hell is going on here?  It seems like we’re going backwards with this device.  That’s what the iPhone is for, you can conveniently bring it anywhere with you and surf the internet.

iPod made sense, iPhone was cool, iTab is just pointless.

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