Coming off two sold out shows at The Palladium, Sublime with Rome are on a stellar start to the beginning of their first US tour. With expectations high Rome, Eric, and Bud look to put to rest all the naysayer one amazing show at a time.
NerdSociety: First off, I want to say congratulations on an amazing show last night. Both nights at the Palladium in Hollywood were sold out, the place was packed. This was the first time I have ever went to a concert and people were asking for tickets like literally on the way to the venue. I must have ran into 5 different people. It was the place to be that night and rightfully so because the minute you walked in the door you could just smell it in the air, this is the place to be.
Rome: Yup, the smell meets you right there dude [laughs]. Yeah, both shows were amazing, the crowds were amazing and it was an awesome experience. Brad’s sister, Katie, came out to see the show the second night, so that was really cool. The first night I thought was gonna be the craziest because it was 420 but then the second night was just as crazy.
NerdSociety: When I was standing in the crowd watching the show there was this guy next to me and he literally lit up a blunt for every song [laughs].
Rome: Yeah I think we can expect this for the rest of the whole tour [laughs].
NerdSociety: Let’s talk a little more about you, Rome, because I know you’re from North Cali but that’s pretty much it.
Rome: I’m from the bay area, I went to high school there and I was 11 eleven when I first picked up the guitar. One of the first songs I learned, believe it or not, was a Sublime song.
NerdSociety: What are some of the musicians that have influenced you in your career?
Rome: Well, I think the obvious one would be Bradley of Sublime, but Muse, Jimi Hendrix, Bad Brains, and Kurt Cobain obliviously of Nirvana.
NerdSociety: When I heard you were going to be the new front man for Sublime I had to check out some of your stuff. I found some videos on Youtube of RAWsession and a couple of songs you had on your personal Facebook and I have to say, I way pretty impressed. How did you get hooked up with Sublime?
Rome: I met Eric through a mutual friend and he asked me if I wanted to jam and I said sure, we even did a video on RAWsession together. Next we jammed with Bud for a while and naturally we would play a couple of Sublime songs. After a while the guys were like, do you wanna do this for real and go on tour, I was like, woah.
NerdSociety: What did your family say when you told them you were gonna be part of Sublime?
Rome: They didn’t believe me [laughs]. They definitely didn’t believe it was Sublime because if you walk into my old room right now you see at least 6 or 7 Sublime posters. When I called my mom to tell her the news when she walked into my room, she couldn’t believe it.
NerdSociety: You guys have done a couple of shows now and I’ve been reading or running into a lot of haters on the internet. To me, it’s like, who are you to think you are the vanguard of the music of Sublime but at the same time it shows just how much this music means to people because they’re so protective of it.
Rome: You know, there is a lot of negative energy in the world and people are gonna say what they wanna say. But when there are thousands of fans screaming their heads off just loving everything we’re doing on stage, nothing can stop that. Tonight’s (Oakland) are 3rd sold out show, I mean people say there are haters but I don’t see em [laughs].
NerdSociety: When I was waiting for your set there was this guy talking to these younger people in the crowd asking how they knew Sublime. Most of them heard them in junior high and the guy talked about how he and his brother’s band had played with Sublime way back in the day. I really think that’s something awesome because we got the younger generation of fans that are gonna be able to experience this because you guys are touring, and then you got the guys that were around for when Brad was alive there as well. I think that sends a message that this is legit and that if you’re a fan of Sublime you should definitely come and see the show.
Rome: Wow, that’s awesome, thank you man.
NerdSociety: Any chance you guys coming back around to LA before the end of the tour?
Rome: Oh, of course
Photos by Jimmy Swan
Remaing shows for Sublime with Rome US tour 2010.
April 24 | Knitting Factory | Reno, NV | The Dirty Heads, Del Mar |
Click here for tickets! |
April 26 | The Fillmore | Denver, CO | The Dirty Heads, Del Mar |
Click here for tickets! |
April 28 | The Riviera Theatre | Chicago, IL | The Dirty Heads, Del Mar |
April 29 | Egyptian Room | Indianapolis, IN | The Dirty Heads, Del Mar |
Click here for tickets! |
April 30 | LC Pavilion | Columbus, OH | The Dirty Heads, Del Mar |
Click here for tickets! |
May 1 | Roseland Ballroom | New York, NY | The Dirty Heads, Del Mar |
May 2 | Roseland Ballroom | New York, NY | The Dirty Heads, Del Mar |
Click here for tickets! |
May 3 | House of Blues | Boston, MA | The Dirty Heads, Del Mar |
Click here for tickets! |
May 5 | Electric Factory | Philadelphia, PA | The Dirty Heads, Del Mar |
May 6 | The Norva | Norfolk, VA | The Dirty Heads, Del Mar |
Click here for tickets! |
June 6 | LIVE 105’S BFD @ Shoreline Amphitheater | San Francisco, CA | The Dirty Heads, Deftones, Silversun Pickups, Cage the Elephant | Click here for tickets! |
June 12 | KJEE Summer Round-Up | Santa Barbara, CA | Dirty Heads, Cage the Elephant, Dead Country, Iration | Click here for tickets! |

Apr 24, 2010 -
…thank you!
John Spartan
Apr 24, 2010 -
Nice read.
Bre Alm
Apr 25, 2010 -
Rome is a great guy..such a perfect fit for Sublime = )
Rome Ramirez talks about joining Sublime – Dying Scene
May 2, 2010 -
[…] Sublime Posted by ottobr on Sunday, May 2, 2010 at 9:18 PM (PST)In an interview conducted on Sublime With Rome guitarist/vocalist Rome Ramirez talks about joining the long-defunct ska punk […]
May 3, 2010 -
Not knowing anything about Rome I was nervous to see the band in case it didn’t do the legacy of Sublime justice but I was at last nights show at Roseland Ballroom and it was better than I expected. It was awesome.
Rome did a great job maintaining the songs but also adding little touches to make his own mark. I hope they record new music together because this has potential to be a great new chapter for sublime — Rome is absolutely the right dude
May 6, 2010 -
I was tryin out my new laptop, and since I dont go online much at ALL anymore (I am mikemodi, aka HeematobicRAS from back in the day on the old chat boards, used to do a lot of trading and stuff, and, unfortunately, addictions have really ripped me away from keeping up with the whole music scene over there, and just so you know, I am now sober (well, methadone maint., anyhow, but besides smokin pot on occasion, I am completely drug free….it’s literally been close to a decade since I really was heavy into sublime collecting and shit, and over the course of my addiction to dope and malcohol, I seemed to have lost or had stolen some of my more treasured sublime audio and vinyl….still got the bulk of it, though…) anyhow, I cant believe what I am hearing……Bud and Eric have really dissappointed me….how in the hell can they with good conscience try to use the sublime name….sublime IS WAS and ALWAYS WILL BE bradley. Sorry Rome, you are good, really good, and I have no issues with you….any one of us would jump at the opportunity, but as far as the rhythem section goes…..I reallly cant believe they would go and cheapen the sublime name like that…..LBDAS was cool cause it was inner circle heads and old school vibes, and it was very much it’s own band with it’s own songs….this is a mockery of Brad’s legacy, and I am SURE he’s countin the days until Bud and Eric get to wherever people go when they die, cause he probably cannot WAIT to tear em both a new asshole. For SHAME>
May 25, 2010 -
Dont you think Bud and Eric want the legacy of Sublime to live on? What they are doing is in their own interest and you cant blame them. I mean this music is legendary and you know damn well Bradley would be proud of Bud and Eric for getting back out there and doing what they do best. For someone to say that it is a mockery of Brad’s legacy has to consider the rest of the band. Bud and Eric were just as much as Sublime as Brad was. Props to Rome, Bud and Eric for getting the music back out to all the Sublime fans. Thanks for the interview
Jun 6, 2010 -
Brad would not be proud. His estate claims he specifically said he didn’t want anyone going out as “Sublime” without him.
I don’t fault Rome at all. He’s really talented and probably a nice guy, but he doesn’t belong anywhere other than on American Idol if he’s really good at performing someone else’s material. I can’t fault him at all for taking an amazing opportunity and doing a good job at what he’s asked to do. Bud and Eric, on the other hand, need to learn some respect.
Brad wrote the songs. Bud and Eric traveled in the same bus and smoked out of the same bong and played his songs. That doesn’t make them “Sublime”. Shame on them. Call it something else like the Grateful Dead did as “Further” when Jerry Garcia died.
What’s next, “Nirvana with the dude from Puddle of Mudd”??
Jun 22, 2010 -
In no way is this a mockery. Do you know anything about Brad???? hes my hero and bud and eric were his best friends. Rome was a devout fan to their music. Brad would be damn proud to see that someone is carrying on the legendary music they created. Given there will never be anyone like brad ever, if he could see now what his best friends were doing, he’d probably thank them. I love sublime. Bud and eric are doing nothing wrong. Any REAL sublime fan would agree. Theyre good people and theyre just showing their best friend that they love what they had and theyll continuue to make the same kind of music in his name. God bless bud and eric. And moreover god bless brad. RIP buddy. We miss you. Im gonna smoke 2 joints with your name on them.
Jul 10, 2010 -
I just saw Sublime with Rome at the Wilma in
Missoula Montana and this show is to
Date the best stripped down bass and
Drums with one guitarist dub style
Reggae with an edge of hip hop.
It was above and beyond anything I
Expected. When I saw the poster saying
“Sublime with Rome”. I thought,
Great another tribute band. I last saw Bud
And Eric when they were still with LBDA.
Rome’s vocals are right on pitch and you
Can tell he is a huge original Sublime
Fan. I was blown away. Everyone was
Screaming the lyrics, sparking a few spliffs
And dancing to Sublima songs and moshing.
I have seen all the jam bands out there, badfish ,and slightly stoopid and pepper probably over 10 times and having Bud now clean and Eric still his same old self and Rome on guitar and vocals blew me away. I was only in town to register for fall classes and saw this poster promoting the show that ironically was on my last night in Missoula. I didn’t know a soul
In the venue but the fans of Sublime were all
Screaming the lyrics and putting their arms
Around the shoulders of whoever was next to them. I was right up front in the pit and everyone was dancing. I ended up dancing to the sweet reggae music with a girl I didn’t even know, but the vibe was awesome. Everyone
Was having the time of their lives. Bud, Eric , and Rome in no way are disrespecting their lost best friend and original bandmate, Bradly
Nowell. I feel he is looking down with Lou Dog
Proudly satisfied that the millions of Sublime fans who were too young to see the epic
Shows with Bradly, are now able to see a show
With the original 2 members and not some stupid tribute band. Rome is awsome, and his vocals are amazing. I had the time of my life
Dancing to my favorite band of all time. They
Are in now way disrespecting Bradley’s legacy
Or his talent. I am so happy the band has reunited and are touring the shot out of the USA. I’m interested to see how their newly written songs with Rome sound like. I am totally confident they will be just as good as the original bands and written in respect for the Nowell Family and their development of
A non profit treatment center for struggling teen
Addicts in Bradley’s honor shows they are not just doing this to make money, but to let
The younger generation who idolize Bradly
Get the experience to go to a show and get the
Closest experience to the original band as possible. Props to Romw, Eric ,and bud. The songs sounded exactly like the live bootleg albums I have of the original band. Keep jamming and quit giving them shit. I know
Bradley would be proud of their shows for the youth who didn’t get to experience “the real thing,”. Sublime with Rome rocks and I strongly
Support their endeavors.
Aug 17, 2010 -
I just heard Sublime with Rome this past Sunday at Musikfest. I was blown away with how good he was and absolutley think Sublime picked the right guy. It was such an amazing show. My friends an I were given back stage passes and had the oppertunity to hang out with Rome in the bus for about a half an hour before we had to head home. Not only is he talented, he is very humble, generous, and overall genuinely a sweet person…from what one can gather in 30 minutes:) I can’t wait to see them play again!
Sep 3, 2010 -
How can anyone claim to know whether Bradley would or wouldn’t be pleased with Sublime with Rome? Nobody can know what a dead person would think, that’s ridiculous. All I know is that the Nowell family is supportive of the Bud and Eric playing Sublime songs with Rome, as long as they don’t call themselves simply “Sublime”. They are satisfied with the new, modified name, “Sublime with Rome” and Brad’s sister Katie even went to one of their shows in Hollywood. Of course Rome is not Bradley. Only Bradley could be Bradley, and only Rome can be Rome. Anyone who isnsists on being so elitist about this is missing out on something truly amazing. I saw Sublime with Rome perform live in Montreal and it was pure magic. Because Bud and Eric met Rome, my favorite band has been brought back to life. I, for one, feel like its a gift. Rome is amazingly talented in his own right, and in my opinion, he does Bradley justice. Bud and Eric obviously agree. Bradley is and will always be a legend, but he is gone. Life is for the living. Peace love & music.
Tyler Gaylord
Nov 8, 2010 -
when i saw the side bar on my comp. show sublime with rome i was horrified …til i “u tubed” them.. ive been a fan since early 90s and i love the other long beach boys also {lbda,short bus, ras 1,ziggens ,fallin idols,opie, miguelwhats up guys…and many more} they meaning sublime with rome were very tight!!! all the dipshits who r sayin its effed up brad wouldnt like or its not sublime do any of u think u know him better than his 2 best friends ???? shit not to bring up bad memories but bud and brad were sharing a room for the millionth time when he passed away and u should know how bud feels if ur any kind of fan. and he was boys with eric slightly before bud ! if anyone should know whats rite and whats wrong here i do believe they have complete say !!! jacob is what 16 so he and his mother will recieve $$$$ also forever off the name copyrites ect so alls good chill out enjoy or dont but if u dont ur the only looosser!! by the way they r in portland for 2 shows in 1 day i got tix haters..
deez nuttz
Nov 28, 2011 -
Sublime with rome is great
The Band That Wouldn’t Die « Puncher's Chance
Dec 29, 2012 -
[…] Ramirez, through a mutual acquaintance, started jamming with them. And here I’ll revert to his account: “After a while the guys were like, do you wanna do this for real and go on tour? I was like, […]
Dec 2, 2013 -
According to Wikipedia, Bud decided to leave “Sublime with Rome” citing it didn’t feel right without Bradley. So that leaves us with only Eric as the remaining original member. … I have to say, the “bootleg” of Live Smokeout 2010 left me with a feeling that Rome really does enjoy the material, however, a Bradley he is not. It’s just not the same. … It’s an unfortunate situation. I personally think they should make their own, new material because Eric and Rome obviously enjoy the same style of music. — R.I.P. Bradley. Love, ~ A Fan Since 40OZs