Hot Toys announces the release of a Michael Jackson 12-inch action figure. I gotta give Hot Toys credit for being bold on this. They are mainly known for their awesome Movie Lines such as Rambo and Predator. But, now they enter the pedo zone. Oh well, I guess Michael is innocent until proven guilty. Maybe he’s still popular in Asia?
Will these figures sell? You be the judge.

Sep 25, 2008 -
The figures look more life like and human then michael himself
Sep 25, 2008 -
“We are the world, we are the children….”
I think he’s still famous in Asia and Europe, just like Van Damme and Steven Seagal.
John Spartan
Sep 25, 2008 -
Now I konw what to use to fend off punk ass kids on my lawn, eeeeeeee heeeeee!
Sep 26, 2008 -
If this one is a hit, they might release a Thriller version of him. The one with the lizard eyes.
Jun 27, 2009 -
Yay, Hot Toys! Incredible design and amazing how well their figure poses. I’d love one of these.
trevz carnell
Jul 2, 2009 -
hey anyone? any ideas if there releasing more of these cos there sold right out and they only came out like a month ago lol any thought please get back to me please thanks