Earlier this week, we showed you the first images of Deathly Hallows. Today, Warner Brothers unveiled the first poster and it looks pretty damn epic with Hogwarts burning down. Deathly Hallows will be released in 2 parts, with the first one coming out on November 19th, 2010. Part two will be released on July 15th, 2011. I’ve also included the previous Harry Potter posters and my thoughts on the movies.
Now let’s look at the posters from the previous Harry Potters:
‘Sorcerer’s’ was a great start for Harry Potter, it had a magical feel to it
“Chamber” was too similar to the original. Didn’t care much for it.
Plenty of people love ‘Azkaban’ but I thought it was okay. Not great, not bad.
‘Goblet’ was cool because you get to see the other schools, as well as the deadly challenges.
‘Phoenix’ is my favorite HP because there was a great battle in the end and the special effects was really good.
Then they followed it up with the worst Harry Potter. There was a lot of talking and then more talking…