Happy St. Patrick’s Day

friday 300x167 Happy St. Patricks Day

I was at Downtown Fullerton with friends last Saturday night.  We were bar hopping and  everyone was having a good time.  Around 1:30 a.m., we call it a night.  On our way to the parking lot, we saw a commotion.  It was between a drunk guy, a chick and her male friend.  The drunk guy was arguing with them while he was texting on his phone.  Out of nowhere, the drunk guy got sucker punched by another dude standing to his right.

He was hit squarely in the chin.  As he fell to the ground on his back, his phone flew in the street and shattered into little pieces.  I’m pretty sure he hit his head on the ground as he dropped to the ground.  He was laying on the ground with his head hanging on the curb.   My friend had to drag his lifeless body back into the sidewalk so he wouldn’t choke on himself.

A couple of minutes later, the drunk guy started getting up and helped out by the bouncers.  One spectator said he deserved to get sucker punched because he was talking a lot of shit and wouldn’t stop.  I don’t know who’s right but I know both of the parties could have walked away from the situation.

I know a lot of you guys are going to bars tonight because of St. Patrick’s Day so here’s a couple of advice so you won’t get sucker punched:

– Don’t start a fight.  Don’t be confrontational.  It’s not worth it.
– If you have no choice and get into an argument, strike first(balls shot are really effective), ask questions later.  Then leave the area right away.
– Watch the surrounding environment – you don’t want to be the guy getting sucker punched.
– Last but not least, have fun.  I usually go to bars and nightclubs every weekend  and fortunately, I’ve never been in a fight.  It’s usually the “tough guys” that like to prove themselves.  If they act tough, I just laugh it off and ignore them.

pixel Happy St. Patricks Day

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