So here I am, at work, writing this blog. Feeling like the sandman is coming to get me because of last night’s Halo Extravaganza. So I hear people have been able to get their games at 7-Elevens. Yes, Halo is so big, even 7-Eleven is selling it. I figured I’d go there with my buddies, walk right in, grab some snacks, a nice cold slurpee, and a copy of Halo 3 and walk right out. I figured this was a good idea until the 4th 7-Eleven with no luck of the FUCKING GAME~!!!!!! What the hell?
Damn clerks had no clue what I was talking about when I asked about the game. It’s like nobody there speaks English. So anyway, out of the 4 stores, only one was actually selling the game. The bad news? That one store didn’t even get the shipments, aaaaaaahhahaaaa. So yeah, 7-Eleven sucks,
So we decided to go to Gamestop instead where Franco actually preordered the game there. It was around 12:30am now and the store was still open. We walked in, got the game, opened the game, I noticed a scratch in the game, returned the game, then opened it again, and everything was good. Came home, played an hour of it, then went to sleep. And now I’m here at work, looking at the clock, waiting for it to hit 5pm.