Yes, I mean the original 1976 version directed by Brian DePalma. I’ve never seen Carrie until now, I’ve only seen the famous poster of a bloodsoaked teenager on prom night. Based on the poster, I thought that Carrie is just another straight horror film. I was wrong, Carrie is entertaining in more ways than one. Sure, it’s creepy, but it also has a point, it has a message, and it delivers.
The premise is that a teenage girl raised by an overprotective mother came into realization that she wants to be normal. She is bullied in school, and eventually realizes that she has telekenitic powers. Her mother, however, thinks that she’s possessed. Carrie’s mother is a creepy paranoid fanatic who thinks that everybody is out to get her. A boy asks Carrie out to prom on good intentions, but prom night turned upside down for Carrie as the other girls and their boyfriends plotted against her. The rest becomes what you see in the poster. Believe it or not, that’s my least favorite scene in the movie. The scenes beforehand, the setup, is what makes Carrie a good film.
Carrie is much deeper than your average horror film. DePalma filmed it in weird angles, making some scenes awkward, and creepy at the same time. The editing feels surreal and emotional, as if that’s how Carrie feels about the world she lives in.
If you’re looking for a little Halloween scare, or you’re just a movie nut, I highly recommend this film.
Grade: A