I was more excited when I didn’t know these were ornaments. Batman and Comic Book guy still looks cool though. Here’s the official release from Hallmark:
“Hallmark announces its return to Comic-Con International in San Diego (July 20-24), providing 125,000 attendees access to Comic-Con-exclusive Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments, a sneak peek of product for 2012 and visits with creators of popular Hallmark characters.
During the convention, Hallmark will sell limited quantities of the following Keepsake Ornaments:
- IG-88 and Dengar: This two-pack features the assassin droid IG-88 and Corellian mercenary Dengar from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back™. IG-88 and Dengar are the third and fourth bounty hunters to become Keepsake Ornaments. Limited run of 1,000 sets.
- Comic Book Guy: Wearing his own Comic-Con apparel, the Comic Book Guy from “The Simpsons” celebrates his 20th year as a popular cartoon character. This is the second year that “The Simpsons” has inspired an exclusive Keepsake Ornament for Comic-Con. Limited run of 1,000 Keepsake Ornaments.
- Descending Upon Gotham: Batman swoops down from the dark heights of Gotham in this Keepsake Ornament. A repainted version of a 2009 Keepsake Ornament, the Caped Crusader wears a contemporary gray and black bat suit rather than the blue and gray one popularized in the 1960s. Limited run of 750 Keepsake Ornaments.
“We are excited to participate in Comic-Con for the fourth year,” said Beth Dorr, associate merchandise manager for Keepsake Ornaments. “The convention gives us a great opportunity to meet and interact with some of our most passionate fans and reward them with exclusive opportunities and sneak peeks.”
Visitors to Hallmark’s booth in the Lucasfilm Pavilion will be able to view many of the new 2011 Keepsake Ornaments as well as get a sneak peek of what’s to come in 2012. They also can pick up a series of collectible buttons featuring Star Wars Keepsake Ornaments. The series will feature five designs, with a limited quantity of one design given away each day of Comic-Con.
Throughout the convention, popular Hallmark characters hoops&yoyo™ will make visits to the Hallmark booth. Comic-Con attendees also will have the opportunity to engage with the creators of Hallmark characters, including Bob Holt and Mike Adair (hoops&yoyo), Peter Martin (Asteroid Andy) and John Wagner (Maxine).
John Wagner’s feisty character Maxine, the self-appointed “Queen of Crabiness,” celebrates her 25th anniversary in 2011. Since 1986, she has appeared on millions of cards and thousands of books, as well as Keepsake Ornaments. On Thursday, July 21, and Friday, July 22, John Wagner will be on site to share the inspiration behind Maxine, discuss how he’s kept her character fresh for 25 years and answer questions. Hoops&yoyo creators Bob Holt and Mike Adair will sign autographs on Thursday, July 21, Friday, July 22, and Saturday, July 23. Asteroid Andy’s creator Peter Martin will visit the booth on Saturday, July 23, and Sunday, July 24.
In addition to on-site Comic-Con activity, Hallmark will administer various product giveaways of some current Keepsake Ornaments as well as exclusive and signed products via Twitter (@HallmarkPR, #ComicCon, #SDCC) before and during the conference.
For more information about Hallmark and the full line of 2011 Keepsake Ornaments, visit Hallmark.com/Keepsakes“