GoHastings.com is having a buy 2 get the 3rd item for $1 for their used movies, video games and books.
The movies and books aren’t that great of a deal but you can get great deals on the hottest games.
Keep in mind that your 3rd item is only $1 and there’s no tax for most states. Shipping is $2.28 per title. You can get 3 of the newest titles for about $103, or $34 per game. That sounds like a pretty good deal to me!
Here are some of the prices of the hottest games:
Killzone 3 – $47.50
Bulletstorm – $47.50
Deadspace 2 – $47.50
COD: Black Ops – $32.10 (Xbox 360)
Fallout : New Vegas – $47.50
Red Dead Redemption – $20.88
Oldies but goodies:
God Of War 3 – $16.63
Left 4 Dead 2 – $17.02
Halo 3 – $6.64
MGS 4 – $8.78
Bioshock 2 – $8.71
You can check out the full list here.