Fringe, Human Target and V Exclusive Screenings at WonderCon 2010

For those of you going to WonderCon in San Francisco this weekend, be sure to check out exclusive screenings for Fringe, Human Target, and V this Friday in the Esplanade Ballroom.

Fringe 300x83 Fringe, Human Target and V Exclusive Screenings at WonderCon 2010

Fans of Fringe can check out the new episode before everyone else called “Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver,” which will air on FOX, April 8, 2010.

Human Target 01 300x225 Fringe, Human Target and V Exclusive Screenings at WonderCon 2010

And if you’re hankering for some smart action, check out Human Target’s season finale episode, “Christopher Chance,” before everyone else, airing on FOX, April 14, 2010. The series includes my favorite Watchmen hero, Jackie Earle Haley.

ABCs V 300x148 Fringe, Human Target and V Exclusive Screenings at WonderCon 2010

Lastly, check out an encore presentation of V that aired March 30th on ABC about aliens appearing in every major city in the world promoting “peace”.

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