Thursday’s midnight showing of Fast Five set a new record for Universal’s midnight opening box office receipts with over $3 mil. Friday saw that number jump to $33 mil and the entire weekend gross is being estimated at $80 mil. This will probably be the biggest opening weekend for any film so far this year. It is being said to top the two previous big opening weekend blockbusters Rio and Rango combined.
Rotten Tomatoes is showing 79% in the Fresh category which is pretty high. The review says “Sleek, loud, and over the top, Fast Five proudly embraces its brainless action thrills.” I think I just might have to see this one on IMAX.
Paul Walker’s claim to fame was smart in bringing Diesel back to pump the franchise again. There definitely was something missing when he was gone. Everything I’m reading about the film is positive. Although they killed off Michelle Rodriguez’ character in the last one, the Furious women seem to have morphed into these statuesque beauties who also drive fast and are willing to take 3 story plunges into sheet metal. Jordana Brewster reprises her role as Diesel’s sister and Gal Gadot shows up again to temporarily distract Dominic from his one true love, and I think we all know who that is!