Young Justice is a 30 minute show on the cartoon network focusing on DC’s teenage superheroes. The show is developed by Greg Weisman (Gargoyles) and Brandon Vietti (Batman: Under The Red Hood), so it’s no surprise that it’s exciting and unique. The young superheroes (Aqualad, Robin, Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash & Miss Martian) are usually assigned a task to help their older counterpart (ie Batman, Superman) battle the bad guys. The show is great because it mixes teenage drama (parents, having a crush) with enough action to balance out an emotion filled episode.
Below are the episodes:
5) Schooled – Superboy learns to deal with anger issues and humility. Sounds cliche’d but this was my favorite episode because not everything was solved at the end of the episode. It gave more breathing room for Superboy to grow as a character.
6) Infiltrator – Artemis has to earn the team’s trust. Good episode, I liked the fight scenes.
7) Denial – Kid Flash’s faith about supernatural is put to question. Klarion was the villain, his puppet really freaked me out. I jumped in one scene and I barely jump for live action horror movies. That’s a testament to a great show.
8) Downtime – Team leader Aqualad goes back to Atlantis to decide whether he wants to stay or fight amongst the humans. Very good episode because it dealt with real life issues.
Grade: A
The show is presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen. The picture is really clear and sharp. I was almost fooled several times that it was HD source, but watching it closely you can still tell it’s standard defintion. No pixelization, the blacks are really black and the color overall is great.
Grade: A
Audio track is dolby stereo. The subwoofer was surprisingly put to good use. Channel is clear. Top notch transfer for a tv show.
Grade: A
Grade: F
Young Justice is a great show that respects its characters and the story behind them. The show is funny as well with the teenager’s witty banters. This show was well thought out and I’d suggest this to any comic book fans. Some fans will be turned off because this set only has 4 episodes and I undertand where they’re coming from. It’s inevitable that WB will release a season box set in the future but if you need your fix now, definitely buy this set. I can’t give this set an “A” because it’s a bit too expensive for only 4 episodes. But judging by the show’s quality alone, it’s definitely one of the best animated shows I’ve seen.
Grade: B+