The fine people at Shout have given us (finally) the first in a series of DVDs set for the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The series was a huge smash with kids and developed a cult audience with older viewers. The acting and effects are nothing special (to be kind), but the series is a high-energy blast of cheesy fun for fans and newcomers alike. This original Power Rangers was the best incarnation of the series and this 3 DVD set continues the first 30 episodes of season one of the series.
There are no extras but the video and audio are both decent and the DVD set is retailing at less than 20 bucks and most fine stores online (and offline). The saga of specially recruited “teenagers with attitude” is the same mix of slapstick, cartoon violence, a blaring heavy metal score and low budget effects it always was. The series seems rather harmless and the violence is broad and not realistic. Fans will be thrilled to get this and also pleased to hear that they can rder the first seven seasons of Power Rangers at or by calling 1800-826-8545. Once again, thanks to Shout Factory, it’s morphin time!
The DVD set will be released nationwide on August 21st.
Grade: B-

Miss M
Aug 20, 2012 -
Ya know, it is about time they put this set out on dvd. Shout! has actually done a really good job of releasing some long demanded cartoons and shows of yesteryear. I might be having to cave and get this when it comes out. It beats searching for a VCR to play the old VHS tapes.
Aug 21, 2012 -
I watched this show religiously back in the days. After the show ended, all of the kids in the apartment complex would come out and talk about it.
My favorite used to be the Black Ranger until The White Ranger showed up.
Aug 22, 2012 -
Tommy was always my favorite. He was the best martial artist (by far) and my favorite character on the show.
Aug 22, 2012 -
Oh well, I guess I have to get in on this…I liked Trini because she was–well, you know…HOT! Anyhow, what sucks more than anything is that she passed in a car crash years ago. I’ll always remember her in The Crow 2, she was cool and got her come-up-ins in an almost comical way. It was cool that she was a Vietnamese actress, sometimes very rare.
I found Power Rangers to be kind of cheesy and knowing that it was hacked and censored made it worse sometimes. Bulk and Skull were great though, how could anyone not like them!
The movie, with its higher budget was ok.
In regards to the Black Ranger, the replacement in a later season was Johnny Yong Bosch who voiced Renton in Eureka SeVen. It seems coming off of PR made for better parts for most of the actors.