Deadliest Warrior Season 2 Lineup & Predictions

deadliest1 Deadliest Warrior Season 2 Lineup & Predictions

Spike announced the line up for Deadliest Warrior season 2 today, 1st episode airs on April 20th at 10/9c.  I enjoyed the first season.  It was fun seeing how the weapons were used and how much damaged it caused.  Although it was enjoyable, some match ups didn’t  make sense because it was team oriented, like the Yakuza vs. the Italian mob.  They just tested their weapons instead of analyzing their strategies.  For the second season, I hope they change this.  Below is the lineup and my predictions:

SWAT vs. GSG-9
Prediction: I live in Southern Cali and I see the S.W.A.T. in the news all the time.  These guys will just camp for 4 hours while trying to negotiate with the bad guys.  Based on this, I’ll go with GSG-9.  The only reference I can give for GSG-9 was in Bourne Supremacy when they raided a hotel.  Even though they didn’t catch Jason Bourne, they attacked the rooms without hesitation!

Attila the Hun vs. Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great is one of the baddest man to walk on this planet, too bad he became feminine in Oliver Stone’s movie.  He fought alongside his men and a brilliant strategist to boot.  Attila is no slouch either but his strategy wasn’t as complicated as Alexander’s.

Aztec Jaguar vs. Zande Warrior
This will come down to their shields.  The Aztecs seems to have sturdier defense so I’m going with the Jaguars.

deadliest2 Deadliest Warrior Season 2 Lineup & Predictions
Jesse Games Gang

Jesse James Gang vs. Al Capone Gang
If it’s just based on weapons, Al Capone all the way because they have tommy guns.  If they include strategy, Jesse James because they’re familiar with scouting and controlling the situations.

Roman Centurion vs. India’s Rajput Warrior
This is about even to me but the centurions have heavier armor so I’ll go with the Romans

Somali Pirate vs. Medellin Cartel
I’ve read Killing Pablo, which is about Pablo Escobar, the head of Medellin Cartel.  These guys were no joke and highly sophisticated.  Somali pirates have balls but it’s easier for them to execute their criminal activities because they live in a lawless country.  Pablo became one of the most powerful men in the world even though the U.S. and Colombian government were after him.  This should be an easy win for Medellin.

Nazi SS vs. Viet Cong
If it’s in a plain battlefield, NAZI SS for sure.  They invaded countries and won in days.  Viet Cong would win if they fought in the jungle.

Prediction: This is tough because they’re both secretive.  CIA is more secretive and less on the news, so that probably means they screw up less. Which means they’re better.

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Immortals depicted in wall mural

Persian Immortal vs. Celt
Don’t know much about either one.  The immortals were crap  in 300.  The Celts reminds me of William Wallace.  I’ll go with the Celts because they have heavier and longer weapons.  The immortals won’t be able to penetrate…not in that way of course!

Vlad the Impaler vs. Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu wrote the Art Of War, which is studied by militaries all over the world today.  Can’t get any more renowned than that.  Tzu by ass whoopin.

Ming Warrior vs. Musketeer
Prediction: Musketeer because they have muskets…..

Comanche vs. Mongol

Prediction: The Comanche Tribe were part of the Windtalkers during WW2.  They’re brave and badass but it won’t be enough against the Mongols.  The mongols were great archers and whooped ass in close quarter combat.  Mongols by beat down.

Navy Seal vs. Israeli Commando
I’ll go with the battle hardened Israeli Commandos.  These guys go to war with their neighboring countries all the time.  Navy Seals kick ass but they’re better for surprise attacks.

Who do you guys have?

Make sure to check out our conversation with Deadliest Warrior’s, Geoffrey Desmoulin at the video game awards:

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