The toys I’ve been waiting for is finally here! DCU Wave 16 consists mostly of Batman related characters and also includes a build a figure of…..Bane! I just hope he’ll be proportional and tower over the other figures. They’re selling 2 different sets for wave 16. I like this one better:
The wave of 8 figures (+Bane if you buy the whole) consists of the following figures:
1x Azrael Batman (Knightfall Armor) with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Creeper with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Classic Robin (vintage or modern head) with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Jonah Hex (comic style) with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Mercury with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Riddler (all new, jumpsuit) – with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Deathstroke (from wave 3) All Star figure with base
1x Joker (from wave 10) with All Star figure with base
The wave of 8 figures (+Bane if you buy the whole) consists of the following figures:
1x Azrael Batman (Knightfall Armor) with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Creeper with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Classic Robin (Vintage head) with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Classic Robin (Modern head) with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Jonah Hex (comic style) with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Mercury with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Riddler (all new, jumpsuit) – with Bane Collect and Connect piece
1x Batman (black deco from wave 10) All Star figure with base
If I were you, I’d buy the first set because each figure is different. With the second option, you get 2 Robins’.
Entertainment Earth has a free shipping deal by using the code: 2104102, so you can get the 8 figs for $120.
At about $15 per figure, it’s the best out deal out there. Plus you won’t have to search these figs at your toy aisle. I’m sure it’ll be a pain in the ass looking for the whole set.

Jan 14, 2011 -
Jonah Hex looks cool