DC Harley Quinn Artist Chad Hardin Signing at Velvet Underground Comics in Las Vegas Sat. 3/22 12-5pm

harley me article1abc DC Harley Quinn Artist Chad Hardin Signing at Velvet Underground Comics in Las Vegas Sat. 3/22 12 5pm

Embrace your inner Harley and come out Velvet Underground Comics for an exclusive appearance of one of the major contributors to the new Harley Quinn series for DC comics.

Who:  Artist Chad Hardin
What: Sketching and signing
Where: Velvet Underground Comics in Las Vegas
When: Saturday March 22 12-5pm
Win:  Best/Sexiest Harley Quinn Costume gets a $100. in-store gift certificate

Another special guest to be announced later!  Check out the Velvet Underground Comics Facebook page for store details.

pixel DC Harley Quinn Artist Chad Hardin Signing at Velvet Underground Comics in Las Vegas Sat. 3/22 12 5pm

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