The Darkest Hour Concept Art Released

Red Square The Darkest Hour Concept Art Released

The Darkest Hour is a science fiction film starring Emile Hirsch (Speed Racer), Olivia Thirlby (Juno), and Max Minghella (The Social Network) about five people stranded in Moscow, Russia during an alien attack.  The film is directed by Chris Gorak who mostly has experience as an art director for movies like Minority Report, Fight Club and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.  Screenwriter John Splaihts really only has one other film on his IMDB, an as of yet unreleased sci-fi starring Michael Fassbender/Charlize Theron and directed by Ridley Scott called Prometheus. 

Although we’ve seen plenty of alien invasion movies over the years, there does seem to be some fresh talent on board; with their experience in art direction and sci-fi, I’m not going to totally discredit the film.  I just think it’s kind of weak to make the aliens invisible.  I mean we saw that 10 years ago with Final Fantasy:  The Sprits Within.  And how convenient is it that the aliens run on electricity and any light bulb in their vicinity lights up like a Christmas tree? 

With alien flicks, the design of the alien is crucial.  HR Giger’s work on the Alien films has probably given audiences the most prolific alien monster to date.  The Cloverfield aliens were pretty creepy but they weren’t shown very much.  District 9 definitely gave audiences a creative twist on the alien genre.  Although the concept art looks cool, I’m fighting off the skepticism that this film will be able to pull any of it off.  Maybe the fact that it’s also being released in 3D will help.  The film opens December 23rd.

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The Darkest Hour (2011) Official Trailer HD

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[Source:  SlashFilm]

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