Dark Knight Midnight Release & Blu Ray Afterthought

Went to Best Buy at Orange, CA for Dark Knight’s midnight release. About 70 people were in line. The ratio of male to female was about 6 to 1. This really was a nerd event. Here’s the video of the line:

0 Dark Knight Midnight Release & Blu Ray Afterthought
Best Buy started letting 10 people in at a time around 11:55. We were in the back of the line so we got in around 12:15. All of the exclusives were still available except for the DC Direct 3 inch Joker figure. Looked at the Batman DC Direct figure and for $10, it’s about $9 too much. The figure was a joke. Here’s another clip of the other exclusives and the Dark Knight display:

0 Dark Knight Midnight Release & Blu Ray Afterthought

Some people bought a couple of the exclusive box sets. I picked up the Blu Ray version and my brother bought a couple of Gotham Knights for $5 as Christmas gifts.

Now to the Blu Ray impressions….

This is a disappointing release for the biggest movie of 2008. The IMAX scenes(1.85 format, fills the whole widescreen tv) are really clear but there’s some edge enhancements. Most of the movie is in 35mm, 2.35 format and the quality is even worse. It’s still better than DVD but edge enhancement is still apparent. The blacks are really dark and you lose the shade of blacks. Some shots that were well lit in the movie theatres now looks like silhouette, especially the Hong Kong and the armored car chase scenes. The audio is also average, lacks the tightness that Wanted had. The surrounds were too loud compared to the center. The early reviews from fans were right: quality could have been better.

Why so average?

pixel Dark Knight Midnight Release & Blu Ray Afterthought

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