Dark Knight DVD & Blu Ray Exclusives

There’s so many exclusives for Dark Knight on DVD & Blu Ray that I’m getting confused. Below is a list of the exclusives and the prices from the major retailers. Thanks to Speedy from cheapassgamer.com for the early prices. The prices are for the exclusives, not the regular DVD set.

Best Buy:
They have the most exclusives, including figures and masks and joker trading cards. The Joker figure looks pretty cool but probably not worth the $10 price tag. The masks are crap.

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Click on the ad to enlarge.

DVD: Dark Knight 1 Disc comes with free Joker cards – $14.99
DVD: Dark Knight 2 Disc Gift Set with Mask(choose from Batman or Bank Robber Joker) – $34.99
Blu Ray: 2 Disc set with free Joker cards – $24.99
Blu Ray: 2 Disc Gift Set with Mask (choose from Batman or Bank Robber Joker) – $39.99

Batman and Joker figures from DC Direct are also available for $9.99

Circuit City:
A Joker slipcover for the 2 disc set and comes with a Joker Journal (can’t find a picture of it). Pretty cool cover.
DVD: $24.99
Blu-Ray: Nada
joker Dark Knight DVD & Blu Ray Exclusives

Steelbook for the 2 disk DVD set. Steelbooks are the new craze right now but to me, who cares….
DVD: $25.49
Blu Ray: Zilch

Sorry for the big ass pic, it’s the only one on their site. You can’t really tell it’s a steelbook.
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This one is only available to our friends up north, Canada. After seeing this steelbook, I definitely want it. Now I get what the fuss is all about. I love the Joker in the back cover. I would definitely get this if it was available here. But I’m not going to spend $40 to have it shipped and wait a couple of days after the release date to get it.
DVD: None
Blu-Ray: $29.99 (Canadian)
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Extra features and Batman Mask
DVD: $22.99
Blu Ray: $29.99
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Comes with a Two-Face Coin. The coin looks pretty cool but it’s only for the DVD. Besides, what am I going to do with a Two Face coin?
DVD: $19.96
Blu Ray: No exclusive

walmart Dark Knight DVD & Blu Ray Exclusives
I’ll get the regular blu ray without the bells and whistles at Best Buy. Going to go Monday at midnight. $25 for a movie is already expensive enough and I can live without the exclusives. Which one are you getting ?

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