Melfina is an artist from from Dallas, Texas. In the interview below, she talks about her favorite Anime, influences, and the process’ of making her own costumes.
NS: How did you come up with your name, “Melfina” ?
Melfina: “Melfina” is the name from one of my favorite anime characters from the series, Outlaw Star. Outlaw Star was one of the first shows that hooked my interest in Anime. I truly enjoyed and connected with her character. I had a few different nicknames that I used back then for different websites, but “Melfina” stuck out of all of them. I like the way the name flows, and since Outlaw Star is an older show, not everyone automatically gets my name, so it has enough ambiguity, while still giving a nod to the show for people who are fans.
NS: What is important to you when you’re making your new outfit?
Melfina: The most important factor for me is my attraction for the character, and being able to relate in some way! Throughout the years though, my criteria has grown. Currently when I’m considering a costume, I have to enjoy the design, and feel like I’d be able to pull off the character reasonably well. Also, potential for groups can influence my decisions, though even with that, I still need to have watched, read, or played the source, and be familiar with it in order to feel motivated enough to make the costume.
NS: What is your favorite costume of all time?
Melfina: I don’t think I could pick, as I like all of my costumes for different reasons, although some turned out better than others. Esther Blanchett, even with having been made back in 2007, is still one of my favorites in terms of technical achievement and detail work. Birdwatching Chii was a big turning point in my craftsmanship, so that costume is still important to me. The first Euphemia gown that I made (Cream-colored artbook gown) was a lot of fun to wear, and I felt like a pretty princess in it. Then there are the simpler costumes that I enjoy a lot, like my Sia Shuffle school uniform – it may not look super impressive, but everything was made keeping construction in mind, and I just liked how crisp it turned out, and how it looked on me. And of course, Melfina’s default outfit, simply because she’s one of my all-time favorite characters. Again, her outfit is really simple, just a cloak over a mini-skirt with suspenders and a dress shirt and tie, but the love of the character and series made it incredibly worthwhile for me.
NS: How does it feel when someone approaches you at a Convention?
Melfina: It doesn’t happen very often, but it’s very flattering when it does happen though! I often feel like I’m the one fangirling over someone else’s work! Many times I feel like my work is a step behind everyone else’s work, so it really means a lot to me when someone comes up to me and says they like my work.
NS: What Anime are you watching these days?
Melfina: I just finished Love Live, School Idol Project, and currently watching Hell Girl. I also just started Uta no Prince-sama, which just started airing on Crunchyroll! I need to have a mix between serious/dark and light/fun series’!
NS: Do you consider yourself a full-time cosplayer?
Melfina: I wish! Mentally, I am, in a sense that it’s always on my mind in some way or another, but physically, no. Between my job and other obligations, cosplay is simply a hobby for me, and my biggest creative and expressive outlet! I would love to be a “full-time” Cosplayer though, but I would need to make it work for me in a business sense. I think going full-time, in the career/livelihood sense (IE, getting paid to attend conventions and make costumes, or offer up a cosplay/costuming service/product of some sort) is a dream for a lot of cosplayers. Cosplay is a very expensive and time consuming hobby that relies on having abounding energy to get things done and perform well. Therefore, the “fantasy” of having costumes and being able to travel to conventions paid for by sponsors is very alluring. The saying “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” rings true, you know? The few who have made it work for them have obviously worked very hard to make their dreams into reality and get where they are!
NS: What is the most rewarding part of being a Cosplayer?
Melfina: It’s that moment when I put on my costume for the first time, at a convention (or a photoshoot) and see that all of my work paid off into being something nice, that I can wear and feel awesome about.
NS: Do you have any memorable stories about your adventures as a cosplayer?
Melfina: Every time I wear a costume for the first time is pretty memorable! The people you meet at conventions are a whole lot of things, most are good, some bizarre, and luckily, I’ve only encountered a few negative ones (though even those weren’t that bad, so I really can’t complain). Sometimes the best responses or interactions are with people who are not part of the conventions, and are simply curious about what’s going on.
At Anime Fest 2012 (a local con in Dallas, TX), a group of Japanese tourists not part of the convention recognized that I was cosplaying as Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier, and they actually took pictures with me! This was during a photoshoot across the street from where the convention was held.
NS: Anything you would like to say to your fans and your supporters? (include your sponsors if applicable)
Melfina: Oh wow, let’s see, I’m really grateful for all the support! I feel weird referring to people as fans though. I think most cosplayers would agree that we’re just normal people with rather unusual/geeky interests, it’s just really humbling to see how much joy cosplaying can bring! And, becoming an Ambassador for Crunchyroll has been amazing! Through Crunchyroll, I’ve met lots of very talented people, to say the least! It has been one of the best experiences for me.

May 9, 2013 -
Wow, how cool is that! I thought I was the last remaining person in the world who knew what “Outlaw Star” was! She really chose a great character from one of my favorite Anime’s of all time to portray and she makes some awesome costumes all around!
Really cool!