Cosplay Experience With Heidi

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Today, we have Heidi as our featured cosplayer.  She has been cosplaying for about 4 years and I had to know, what makes cosplaying so great?  Below is my interview:

NERDSociety (NS):  What makes cosplaying so fun?
Heidi: I’m not going to lie. I really enjoy being the center of attention and I love posing for pictures. I also love playing the part of another character for a short time, especially around those who recognizes me and love the character the same way I do.

NS:  Do you cosplay as different characters?
Yes, my current list of characters includes:

– Time skip Ino from Naruto
– A moogle from Final Fantasy
– Yoko from Gurren Lagaan
– Judith from Tales of Vesperia
– Asuka from Evangelion

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NS:  That’s a lot of characters, which one is your favorite?
Probably Yoko because I got to carry around a gun bigger than me while wearing a bikini! When else is that socially appropriate?

NS:  Do you cosplay at different conventions?
Heidi: I’ve cosplayed at Comic Con as well as Anime Expo.

NS:  Is the experience different from those two events?
Heidi: The demographic is totally different and the fandoms and the attendees varies. You need to tailor your character choice based on the con if you want to be widely recognized.  So go with a popular character from the genre.

NS:  Which has been your favorite convention and why?
Heidi: Definitely AX. It’s just so BIG. It lets you see a wide variety of quality cosplayers. I also really enjoy watching the AMVs every year and it’s really close to where I live.

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NS:  What’s your favorite moment from cosplaying?
Heidi: The 2007 AX was held in Long Beach. There’s lots of restaurants across the street from the convention center so four of my friends, who were also cosplaying and I went out to eat at California Pizza Kitchen. The place was FILLED with cosplayers and it was obvious the staff was a little freaked out. I love seeing how people react to all the costumes when they know nothing about what is going on.

NS:  The weirdest?
Heidi: This past AX, I walked by a group of about 10 Akatsuki cosplayers while I was dressed as Asuka. When I walked by, all of them started yelling, “Hey, it’s Asuka!” like they had been waiting for me or something. I stopped and took their picture and when I went to leave, all of them said “Bye, Asuka! See you later!” like we had been friends forever. Random.
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NS:  Since you’ve been cosplaying for a while, what advice can you give to other cosplayers?
Please PLEASE pick a character that is appropriate for your body type. If the character is wearing something revealing and you don’t have the body for it, DON’T wear it! Cosplayers have a bad reputation of being overweight people in too little clothing, so let’s change that!

NS:  What else are you into when you’re not cosplaying?
Heidi: I like to dance including ballet, jazz, swing and tap.  I also like to make scrapbooks.  I have tons of cosplay scrapbooks from past conventions. And  of course, I like to play video games.

End of interview

I want to thank Heidi for sharing her cosplay experience.  Maybe we’ll hear more funny cosplay experiences from her in the future.

Are you a cosplayer?  Please drop us a line at and let us know about your cosplaying experience and we’ll feature it on the site!

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