We have partnered up with Allposters.com to give away one (1) poster from the Marvel Collection with a retail value of $100. You can choose the design and various sizes (up to 30 x 40 inches’) from the gallery here.
The new product line from Allposters.com offers comic enthusiasts more than 500 unique Marvel-themed images to choose from, each of which is available in different types of wall décor such as posters, giclee prints, stretched canvases and wall murals, providing options to enhance a personal art collection or meet any comic book fan’s decorating needs.

Iron Man Poster
1) Subscribe to our newsfeed here (if you’re already subscribed, then skip to step 2).
2) Post a comment below and let us know which Marvel character is you favorite and why. Or you can create a youtube video and let us know about your favorite Marvel character. E-mail us the link to the video at info@nerdsociety.com and we’ll feature it on the site if you win!
3) The person with the best creative (funny, insightful) response will win the $100 poster. If it’s a video you’re doing, you might even wear a costume or act out a scene, the crazier the better!
4) Contest ends on midnight on Saturday, October 16th, 2010.
5) One entry per person. All entries must be in by Saturday, October 16th, 2010 at 11:59 pm PT. This contest is only open to email subscribers. All entries are validated against email subscriber list . Your personal information will not be shared with any outside parties. Contest is only open to residents of the United States. No international entries will be accepted. Participants must be 13 years or older. Winners will be chosen randomly from valid entries and will be notified by email. Void where prohibited.
Allposters.com and NERDSociety would like to thank all of the participants!

Oct 1, 2010 -
Can it be a villain? Because I think I like Apocalypse. He’s so huge and he likes to take over universes.
Oct 2, 2010 -
Batman. He doesn’t have any superpowers yet he still fights crime.
Oct 3, 2010 -
Wolverine because he’s really aggressive and he can go toe to toe with anybody including The Hulk.
Miss L
Oct 3, 2010 -
Black Cat 🙂 She’s seductive but best of all she’s Spider-Man’s fling ^_^
Jake Jenkins
Oct 6, 2010 -
Iron Man for sure. Who else would be able to win the Avengers civil war and still look that good!? Plus he sends the Hulk to another planet. Plus plus he gets injected with a “techno-organic virus” which he is betting (but is not 100% sure) will save his life, and it rebuilds his body with better organs and he becomes even stronger!!! Nuff’ said.
Oct 6, 2010 -
Daken. I know it’s a character that generally most people seem to hate, but I have always seen a lot of passion and direction with him during his time on Dark Wolverine and in Wolverine Origins which just seems to get lost in translation when he guest stars in other titles. At the same time, don’t most characters get treated the same way when they’re guest stars in another title.
Daken, to me, just represents a change in the approach to comic which I absolutely applaud. While, being an Anti-Hero is nothing new ( Namor’s been doing it since the 40’s ), he definitely takes it to a darker and more adult place than anyone has, at least in my opinion. I mean, if you look at his first appearances — he’s not inherently an evil character to begin with.
He has a mission that he feels is his own, when in all reality it’s nothing more than the false memories and lies guiding him towards the hatred of Wolverine ( his father ). While early on, he seemed to lean more towards the darker path, his appearances in Dark Reign and Siege definitely cemented him as a new Anti-Hero for the newer generation of comic book readers.
But, my favorite part of Daken, and what makes me love him so is the characterization. His definitive nature is that of a manipulator, to me he almost seems like the personification of the ideal of Control. He’s shown countless times that he’ll do absolutely anything to get it, even going as far as to endangering his own well-being to further the process. As he does so countless times with Bullseye in Dark Reign.
He even uses sexuality itself as a weapon in his arsenal for his conquest. Something we’ve seen countless times with the women in Marvel, but now the glove is on the other hand. I think Daken represents a lot. Not only for our generation of comic book readers, but for even towards the gay / lesbian / straight community as well. He’s a strong, driven, character who knows what he wants.
He’s not afraid to get his hands dirty, and his eye is always on the prize. To me, Daken represents and unbridled strength of character and of will power that I don’t see in other Marvel Characters. That is why Daken is my favorite character.
Oct 7, 2010 -
Oct 7, 2010 -
I have to go with Spiderman. He’s a kid who gets bit by a spider and then goes on to do great things!!
With great power comes responsibility!!
Plus, helped a friend move once and he owned boxes and boxes of comics – all is plastic covers – he’s almost 40 and married and cherishes those items!!
Andrew Gordon
Oct 8, 2010 -
I like the punisher.
david basile
Oct 8, 2010 -
Thor is my favorite I liked mythology when I was a kid . Then when I went to a flea market I found Tales of Asgard and have been hooked since
Pat Mullin
Oct 8, 2010 -
Iceman has always held a special place in my heart. I first discovered the X-Men through the animated series as a kid, and thought Iceman’s powers were the most bada** thing I had ever seen.
I essentially spent my childhood pretending I was Iceman, sliding down the bannister on my ‘ice slides’ and trying to ‘freeze’ my sisters, hoping that they would shut up and leave me alone. There was one specific incident where I got in trouble for hurling ice cubes at my younger sister in a moment of extreme delusion.
Regardless, I grew up growing fonder and fonder of Iceman as I actually learned about his character in the comics. He and I are very similar in our bluntless and almost juvenile behavior. I think he’s a fairly underappreciated character in the X-universe, but I’ve always been and always will be a huge Icefan (corny, I know).
Francis F.
Oct 11, 2010 -
I have so many favourites, but if I had to name one, it would be Dr.Doom. He is so diabolical. He is dominant and very powerful. He has the great quality of leadership. And there is just that something mysterious about this character that will forever be unsolved.
Super Meh
Oct 11, 2010 -
Daredevil (Frank Miller) version, because you actually feel sorry for him, and see him grow from a troubled kid into the Daredevil.
And, you can see how his father shaped him into who he is. Plus, he gets with Elektra! But, the movie sucked though, lol!
Oct 11, 2010 -
Marvel is hard for me, as I am more of a DC guy. But, the Hulk is interesting as he represents the anger within us. When we get mad, we usually get bolder, and bigger (not literally).
But, the Hulk has anger issues, and he uses it for the good. It seems like Bruce is a tormented person. Almost like he’s forced to be something he doesn’t want to do.
Monique Rizzo
Oct 11, 2010 -
My favorite is Wolverine, because i love his colors.thanks for the chance.
Jon Carwin
Oct 13, 2010 -
Blade, he has no real powers. But, he’s real good in martial arts. Plus, he lives a shitty life because all he does is hate vampires.
Oct 15, 2010 -
Wolverine has always been my favorite. He never backs down…and he’s the perfect tragic anti-hero. Thanks!
Ricardo Guajardo
Oct 15, 2010 -
My favorite is Dr. Doom, he shows no fear and no remorse towards his victims in the Marvel Universe.
Bryanna P.
Oct 15, 2010 -
Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
Pamela S
Oct 15, 2010 -
Storm is the best as the leader of the XMen – because she is all woman
Shawn He
Oct 15, 2010 -
Deadpool is my choice!
Pauline M
Oct 16, 2010 -
I was always a Spiderman fan growing up, probably because these were the comic books that my brothers would buy. I would sneak them out of their rooms so that I could read them when they were out of the house and got hooked!
jennifer mathis
Oct 16, 2010 -
I have always loved batman . He’s human and still he finds time to kick badguy butt.
Justin Castillo
Oct 16, 2010 -
Xavier. He’s in a wheelchair and can still see the world from it mentally. Enough said.
Justin Castillo
Oct 16, 2010 -
Sorry. Just resubmitting because I gave the wrong e-mail address that I subscribed with.
Geri Nyland
Oct 16, 2010 -
I’m an email subscriber.
Spiderman is my favorite and has always been my favorite since I was little…I think it may be because I can relate to his real life. My son loves Spiderman also and he has alot of Spiderman toys and was even Spiderman for Halloween last year.
Chanda Bush
Oct 16, 2010 -
The Hulk because he reminds my 4 year old son of me. When I get mad, and it takes a lot to get me there, my son says that I turn into The Hulk and get really mad. He says I go from nice mommy to mean Hulk mommy.
Oct 16, 2010 -
My favorite is spiderman, because he is both a nerd and cool at the same time.
Pamela S
Oct 16, 2010 -
Subscribed to feed. We love spiderman. Thanks.
Lord Magneto
Oct 16, 2010 -
With out a doubt – Magneto… he is just a bad ass mofo…
I mean just take a look at this link below and see for your self… even the man of steel is impressed with what he see’s.
Buddy Garrett
Oct 16, 2010 -
I subscribed. Hulk is my favorite. I have loved him since my childhood. He is so strong.
Oct 17, 2010 -
I like Spidey.
He is a well written character with real world problems mixed with out of this world problems.
he doesn’t always like being Spiderman but he feels obligated to because of Uncle Ben’s death.
plus he has Black Cat, she is by far my favorite Marvel Female.
and then there’s Venom……he’s just a straight up beast
Chloe dodgen
Jun 16, 2011 -
i like all the marvel heros not just they are like a family because they are my one and only true