I was able to interview the creator of htmlcomics.com and I think you’ll be surprised by how it all came about, so continue reading!
I spoke with a gentleman and htmlcomics.com creator Gregory Hart over the phone to find out more about this website.
NERDSOCIETY.COM (NS): What brought about htmlcomics.com?
GREGORY HART (GH): I am a programmer, and at the time I was working for the United States Postal Service to create a program to reduce the workforce and add accuracy. This program also had to be able to be repaired quickly to reduce downtime. After the creation of this CAD based program one of the guys asked me if it could be used for comic books.
NS: What is the process used and how many people are involved?
GH: I, myself handle most of the data but I have a few people preparing the information by renaming the scans of the pages I receive through donations–I haven’t read a comic in 40 years ::LOL!::
Once the scans are renamed into numerical order they are entered into the database in a format resembling a ZIP file and in 4-5 minutes, 500 books are generated onto the file system.
NS: Wow! That is completely different from what I thought was involved with it, I imagined someone sitting there with a stack of comics, scanning each page and uploading them into a single file one by one–that’s amazing! How do the comic book companies feel about htmlcomics.com?
GH: Both Marvel and DC leave me alone as long as I stay 6 months to a year behind. Image is more complicated due to their book titles changing often. Also, htmlcomics.com is non commercial, we don’t sell the books for download and they are unable to be downloaded–consider it like a lending library.
NS: What’s missing from the website?
GH: If I had the manpower I would want to create a search engine based on specific characters that appear in each book and a blurb giving a synopsis of each book.
NS: What is your goal with the html site?
GH: If I had the manpower, I calculated that in about 2 years with 8 hour-a-day shifts that the entire Library of Congress can be available to everyone through the internet. Once again, it would be public as a library.
NS: So, this goes beyond comics, I noticed that the Bible and other written works were available on the comics website. What’s your favorite book? Comic or other?
GH: I’m not religious or devoted to faith but my favorite book is the Bible. The Bible contains history, law and entertainment. The different perspectives of the people involved have similar stories referring to the fascinating things done by Jesus giving a sort of credibility.
There are also the conflicts pertaining to prayer, the 10 commandments, the existence of a Devil and taking the Fallen Star out of context.
NS: Any final thoughts?
GH: I believe that one’s actions benefits life as a whole. The universe was created for life and the more you benefit life the more you get back.
NS: I want to thank Gregory for his time. The interview over the phone was very fascinating to me.
Thanks Gregory.
…and thank you reader.
Apr 13, 2010 -
Good interview. I like the way he said that “one’s actions benefit life as a whole.” I haven’t read comics in a while but intend to read them now…thanks!
Apr 22, 2010 -
Just to let you know something is wrong with htmlcomics.com the page won’t load?
Apr 22, 2010 -
It’s happening to many people. I don’t think they’re in trouble, but hopefully they’ll be back up soon.
Herbie Finn
Apr 24, 2010 -
Still down as of today. I really hate the people who are going around questioning the legality or illigality of this site without law degrees or paralegal training.
Perhaps this is a new chapter in internet law – something that falls beyond fair use, but new way of existing laws into new media
Apr 24, 2010 -
I’m hoping that they are just adding to the site, a week is a long time to be down though.
I’m surprised; the site worked great for the longest time, however, the last time on, some of the buttons weren’t working.
Apr 26, 2010 -
Yeah I loved the website and I had no gripe about the legalities I just loved reading the comics while not busy at work lol! Hope it’s back up soon?!
chris schmitt
May 3, 2010 -
can someone please let me know whats up with the website
Torsten Adair
May 6, 2010 -
Herbie, it looks like LOTS of people with law degrees will be judging this site.
(But, let me just say, if the copyright holder does not authorize someone to post the work online, then the law is being broken.)
Hey, Genetic Mutation, since you have no gripe about the legalities, I guess you won’t mind paying for the comics. Otherwise, the people who made the comics don’t get paid.
I wonder if the servers the FBI confiscated contain user information? Can the files be traced back to the Torrent sites they came from?
audio book
May 11, 2010 -
thanks a bunch for posting this
May 12, 2010 -
I hope the website shutdown orchestrated by some rich comic book people (Hey Harlan Elison and Collen Doran, remind me never to support you guys again) doesn’t affect readers of the website as well.
I wonder if enough is ever enough with these people. Now that they “won” and had the site shut down are they going to go after readers next ?
Jun 2, 2010 -
Hello webmaster I like your submit.