Comic-Con To Stay In San Diego Until 2015

IMG 1045 Comic Con To Stay In San Diego Until 2015

Comic-Con Interntaional has confirmed they’ll be staying in San Diego until 2015.  The organization will have a press conference on Friday regarding the news.  Since 2007, Comic-Con has reached the maximum capacity of 125,000 attendees at the San Diego Convention Center.  This had attendees complaining that it was too crowded and they had to find a new venue.  Reuturs reported that Anaheim, Los Angeles and even Las Vegas were considered for the new location, which could hold larger capacity.  In the end, Comic-Con decided to stay where it all began, San Diego. Comic-Con’s Marketing and PR, David Glanzer, said ” (San Diego) really came together to try to make it work for us.”

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