Comic Review – EARP: Saint For Sinners #3

EarpSaintsForSinners3 Comic Review   EARP: Saint For Sinners #3

The third to the last book, Saint For Sinners #3 lacked content compared to the previous issues. In issue 3, Earp still refuses to start a fight with the Pinkertons, but his brother feels differenty. Wyatt’s brother decided to join Jessie James’ crew to send a message to the Pinks.

As usual, the cover art looks beautiful but the story is somewhat lacking. It’s not to say that nothing significant happens here, and that this is a great setup for the next issue. But, a lot of the pages felt slightly empty, with some of the dialogues feeling a bit short. There’s an amazing action sequence in this book that starts out great, but disappoints. I won’t go into details as I don’t want to spoil. This might not have lived up to the previous issues, but is an important piece of the puzzle. And, maybe the pacing here is intentional as a setup for a great finale, which is two books away.

Overall, a good book. Not as entertaining as I’d hoped for. But, I believe that the writers are setting us up for a great ending. If you’ve bought the previous 2 issues, I would still recommend this issue.

pixel Comic Review   EARP: Saint For Sinners #3

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