Oh wow, just got back from Comic Con 2007 and boy am I tired. I finally got my new sandals and decided to test it out. Walking around in that thing is painful, the material wa rubbing against my skin and peeling it off. Right now my foot is really sore and not pretty to look at. Other than that, Comic Con was great.
The girls reactions to my outfit never gets old. It’s like I want to cosplay as other characters, but girls seems to like this, so I’ll be wearing this for a while. A really funny moment to me was when this one girl in a car was shouting out, “Sexy!!!!” I looked to turn around, and she wanted to see my whole outfit, but just when I turned, a bus pulled up, blocking both our views, lol. This other guy was holding a “will hug Smexy people” sign and saw me and hugged me. But the best reaction would have to be these girls outside the convention in San Diego. They were celebrating I’m guessing their basketball victory. They all wanted a piece of me and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want enjoy it.
My greatest fans!
The best moment at Comic Con for me would have to be meeting Michael Wilkinson, the costume designer for 300. I was just walking outside the convention and his posse was pointing to my outfit, and Michael went up to me and said, “I designed that.” And I was like, “Really? Well that means without you, I wouldn’t exist.” LOL.
Me and Michael Wilkinson
Here’s some various pics for your enjoyment.
Witchblade, Spartan and Aphrodite IX
They have a Cave Troll
Captain America vs 300 Spartan
Princess Leia
Oh yes, I would like to give a shout out to “Ice Cream Man” for giving me free ice cream and playing the Super Mario Bros 2 theme for their ice cream van song and the sword maker who had a baby doll dressed up as a Spartan. Another shout out to Marcus, Victor, and Rob.

Jul 29, 2007 -
Damn all those girls were all over you. As Ben Stiller would say, “FREAKING NAUGHTY”.
Jul 30, 2007 -
nice nice!!!
i was the amazed at the lack of swas! at the con!!
and also the swag was good..i had a better time then i thought!