COD: Black Ops is one of the biggest game of the year and Gamestop was holding a midnight event. We stopped by a store nearby and checked out the line. When we got there, people were just standing around the three kiosks showcasing the game. Everyone was laid back, but when the manager told everyone to form 2 separate lines (this can be seen in the video), one for the PS3 & WII and the other for Xbox 360 & PC, the crowd got quiet as they formed the line. Damn lines makes everybody tense! After 20 minutes, they let the first group in line to pick up their games.
At first, it seemed like the line was longer for last year’s midnight launch of MW 2. But there were plenty of gamers that came after midnight. Overall there were more people at the event this year.
I also noticed that more people were buying the game for Xbox 360, what else is new? There was one family that picked up 3 copies of Prestige Edition. Several gamers picked up 2 copies, one for them and one for their friends.
Thanks to Gamestop #6056 for the coverage and to all the participants. Big shout-out to Gamestop employee Kenny!
If you haven’t purchased your copy yet, buy it at Amazon and get free shipping.
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