This year’s Club Eternia is offering very little in getting the attention of new members. Die-hard fans will love anything that they offer, however, as much as I love MOTU I do not love what they are offering as the club exclusive or after that.
The club exclusive is Preternia Disguise He-Man; a He-Man in a robe and robbers mask carrying the Cosmic Key that the character Gwildor from the Masters of the Universe live action movie of the 80’s used to transport the heroes onto Earth. Also included is a map of Etheria. The figure is pretty lame compared to last years exclusive of Wun-dar, the Wonderbread mail-away figure that actually does exist regardless of what people think.
The January figure is Bow from She-Ra. Bow looks ok, but he is nothing special except to She-Ra fans.
An odd thing…When I first went onto the Mattycollector site there were 4 pictures which included King Hiss as one of next years figures and some Viking-looking guy (called Vikor) that is nothing special, then after a short break I went back and the pictures vanished! O0ps! Looks like the webmaster screwed that up!
King Hiss is pretty much made like the original (although I don’t know from the picture if his body comes apart to reveal the snakes or if it’s a separate thing). Hiss comes with his green snake staff and red shield.
The Viking figure (Vikor: The He-Man of the North???) comes with a sword, shield and axe and has a horned helmet and a loin cloth, no upper armor except for a cape. I’m sure someone knows who the character is, I don’t and frankly, I don’t really care.
2010 offered the best of the figures, from He-Man, Skeletor, Teela, Evil-Lyn; Keldor and Faker and so many others, 2011 looks to be offering the lower tier; however, Battle Armor Skeletor is what I’m looking for and hopefully there will be something else of interest.
I wish I knew about any of this last year when the subscription service was offered, I could have had the best of the best, now I may be buying into the not-so-great figures–with a few good ones here or there. The specialty stores will attempt to sell them for top dollar–I don’t think anyone is going to buy many of them at top dollar in 2011.
Disappointment–maybe, but I’m REALLY hoping that it won’t be…