In 1980 an amazing adult animated movie called American Pop came out for the public to experience. Directed by, Ralph Bakshi whose film Fritz The Cat was given an “X” rating in the 70’s. Bakshi used actors to play the character to then animate over them giving the look and emotion of the cartoons coming to life.
American Pop brings the viewer into a world of pop culture–following a family of musicians through 4 generations. Starting with Zalmie who immigrated to New York and began in Vaudeville. Bennie his son whom was a genius pianist. Bennie’s son, Tony who wrote music in the 60’s and was the creator of the biggest songs from that era. Finishing with Tony’s son, Pete who graces the cover of the DVD–the modern Rockstar!
American Pop is filled with emotion, comedy, love and hope. It’s a movie (regardless of it’s “R” rating) that is entertainment for the whole family. Even with the Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!
The animation is great for it’s time, the music is just wonderful for any generation, the story itself is perfect and well-written into a great dramatic.
At 96 minutes, the time will fly by, but the memories of a great story will stick with you forever.
Grade: A+
Jun 30, 2009 -
Good review. All fans of adult-oriented animation should check out this movie. It’s extremely memorable.
Jun 30, 2009 -
I really liked this movie! The music is incredible and the animation great. Your review got me all excited about seeing it again! Thanks for keeping it alive!
Lee Mclaughlin
Jun 30, 2009 -
Great movie. It really told A good story. Four out of four stars.
John Kaufman
Jun 30, 2009 -
I worked on Streetfight (1975), Hey Goodlookin’ (produced 1975, released 1982), Wizards (1977), Lord of the Rings (1978) and American Pop (1981) for Bakshi.
American Pop, though far from my favorite of Raloh’s films, has some excellent stiff in it. In particular, I love the scene of the immigrant’s arrival in NYC.
I was Bakshi’s in-house production assistant. It was a fascinating studio to work for as we had many of the guys who animated the classic Warner, Disney and MGM shorts with us.
Nice to know the films are appreciated some thirty years later.
Jun 30, 2009 -
I’ll definitely have to check this out even though Bakshi’s animated films scare me.
Jul 1, 2009 -
I didn’t know they made a film about Fritz The Cat. You should see the documentary “Crumb,” its about the cartoonist who created Fritz the Cat. Its pretty crazy, he also drew the first issues of American Splendor.
American Pop (1981) | Old Old Films
Jun 30, 2011 -
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