No love for Big Willie?
This weekend I went to Circuit City for their last day on Earth. Pretty much everything’s gone. They were selling almost everything other than their usual lineups; like clipboards, crates, name tags, receipt papers, and tampons (yeah, you read that right). Below are some pictures of what’s left of Circuit City’s inventory (images courtesy of our secret insider, JR).
Looks like a certain lady has uncontrollable problems. Luckily, Circuit City was there to save the day with a lifetime supply of Tampax Tampons. Does that mean Best Buy is going to sell condoms now?
Even if they are a steal for $.50, looks like the consumers would rather buy a box of tampons than play this game.
I didn’t want to leave empty-handed, so I bought some random things.
For 39 cents for a Combos snack, I just had to snatch a couple up from the candy wall. The whole wall was filled with them. When I looked again, all the Combos were gone. Yes, I also bought a USB cable. They were going to sell it to me for 3 bucks. Thanks to my superior bargaining skills, I was able to knock the price down to a dollar. Here’s how the conversation went down:
Me: Never mind, I don’t need it.
Clerk: How much would you pay for it?
Me: 50 cents.
Clerk: Ok, how about a dollar?
Me: You’ve got yourself a deal.
Hehe, if only I can bargain like this at other retail stores.
I also bought 2 clipboards for a buck each since NERDSociety is running low on clipboards. And we do need our clipboards for collecting girl’s numbers…for professional inquiries of course.
During my visit there, I saw a fellow nerd panicking and sweating, asking where his box of items were. “I left it right there under that table. Now it’s gone.” Poor guy, but if a store has crazy sales, never leave your boxes of merchandise unattended.
All in all, I spent exactly$3.94.

Mar 8, 2009 -
Hahaha. Tampons and clipboards…that’s a major haul! I went today again to see if I can get cheaper DVD-R’s but it was all gone. Everything else was crap.
I was a bit sad stepping in to the store for one last time. That’s where I bought my first home theatre system.
Mar 9, 2009 -
I never did go in to Circuit City for there sales i hear they weren’t really that good. But i remember as a kid getting piss pants excited to go to Circuit City! It was one of the only places when i was much younger that i was allowed to just run off on my own, and fiddle around with the tech(it was also next to a Zany Brainy store)
But like all good things…it must come to an end, its just a shame that its end was a victim to the economy.