Is Star Wars IV: A New Hope your girl’s favorite movie of all time? Can your little sister kick your ass in Mortal Kombat? Does your mom rank Hayao Miyazaki up there with Leonardo da Vinci and Vincent van Gogh? If the answer is yes, you might want to reconsider buying that shirt that says “Pink” all over it. Here are a few Christmas gift ideas for that special (ops) lady in your life.
Mario Watchman Swimsuit by Black Milk Clothing $89.44
Hellsing – OVA Art – Messenger Bag $34.95 at GK World
Just Dance 3 for Playstation 3 Move, Nintendo Wii and XBox Kinect $33.99 at Amazon (Girls love to dance; it’s a fact)
Star Wars Darth Vader Static Lightsaber Umbrella at Entertainment Earth $37.99 (Pre-order for January)
Ghost Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Sheer Shirt at My Tee Spot $19.99 (This shirt is made from softer material than your average t-shirt)
Bleach: Ichigo full body pillow at Robert’s Anime Corner Store $32.98
1000 piece Evangelion Jigsaw Puzzle at Amazon $78.98
Totoro Soot Sprite iPhone Case from Cafe Press $25.00
From JINX – World of Warcraft Horde Women’s Premium Hoodie $65.99
Hello Harajuku Material Montage by Red Bubble $26.59 (Comes in several colors)
Street legal Tron Light Cycle by Hammacher Schlemmer $55,000.00
Too much? How about the Tron: Legacy Soundtrack by Daft Punk? $8.83 on Amazon
At Zazzle, Girl Gamer pwns you at Modern Warfare and Halo shirt $26.25 (You can also upload any image to make your own t-shirt here)
Star Wars Light Saber Chop Sticks from Think Geek $9.99
From JINX, the Call of Duty Black Ops Logo Women’s Tee $21.99
Star Trek Enterprise Pizza Cutter at Think Geek $19.99
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – Yun Kouga Complete Works (Female manga artist who worked on Gundam 00, also features previously unpublished designs) $30.00 at JBox
Pac Man Fleece Blanket at 80s Tees $30.00
Be sure to order early to avoid items being out of stock or getting put on back-order. Happy shopping!