CES: The Consumer Electronics Show at a Glance

Have you ever heard those stories about how technologically behind the times we are in America? That might be true in some, well, many respects, but you would never believe that by walking around the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas. Otherwise known as CES, this convention boasts some of the biggest names in the tech industry: Samsung, LG, Sony, Toshiba and Ericsson to name a few. There were rows and rows of accessories for cell phones and stuff that would make Thomas Edison proud like waterproof cases that mount your iphone to the nose of your surfboard or fisheye lenses that attach to your iphone so you and your friends can take pics like your favorite rock band. Here is a quick look at some of the sights at CES (click on the image to enlarge).

Lexus has a car that helps people avoid getting in a wreck.  It works off the same principles as those cars that can drive by themselves using video and sonic technology to alert the car that it is coming in close proximity to an object.

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LG’s Cinema 3D was freaking awesome. So real that you actually want to duck as things are flying at you. There is a lot of talk about how all of video will soon be in 3D. Maybe if they can figure out some way to keep people from having to wear glasses the whole time. 3D contacts, perhaps?

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Poor guy. All he had to do was play video games all day. I felt so bad for him.

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This is a story book for little kids. Not so sure how well the subject matter would go over with parents but it looked interesting.

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I want this car.

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And this car, too.

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No one knew what to do in this hallway of light except stand around and take in its awesomeness.

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Too bad these weren’t outside… and it was nighttime.

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This was a great attention-getter for this booth. The speakers sounded great, too.

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Hello Kitty lava lamps. Nuff said.

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Someone there told me this is how all the girls look in Key West. Instead of wearing clothes they just get their bodies painted. I don’t know if that’s true but this display certainly got a lot of attention.

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Stay tuned for reviews of some of my favorite finds at CES…


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