TV Review: Legend of Korra Episode 5 “Go Mako!”

TV Review: Legend of Korra Episode 5 “Go Mako!”

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The moment when Mako officially became a badass. 

I cannot believe I’m saying this but… I think Mako may be the character who I’m able to relate to the most out of everyone in the show and because he’s the only sane person left in the A-plot, he may very well become my favorite character if they keep going in this direction with him. What could possibly make me go from utterly despising Mako to him being the only character left whose side I’m on? Well you just need to make everyone act like a complete fucking idiot!

Following their escape …

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TV Review: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

TV Review: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

agents of shield TV Review: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

You would think that a show by Joss Whedon, the man responsible for Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Doll House and the Avengers which is based around our favorite secret agency and starring the Son of Coul would be something pretty awesome, well you’d be dead wrong for thinking that.

I wasn’t that particularly excited for the show in the months leading up to its release, in fact it took me two days to realize the premiere aired so that should give you some idea of how much I gave a damn about it. Even though I wasn’t particularly excited, going into the …

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Video Game Review: Papers, Please

Video Game Review: Papers, Please

PapersPleaseLogo 1024x563 Video Game Review: Papers, Please

With everyone fawning over the latest entry in the mediocre, painfully overrated and frankly boring as Twilight series known as GTA, I thought it would be the perfect time to review an indie game made by a single man called Papers, Please, a game in which you play as a man working in the border control of the fictional Eastern Bloc country of Arstotzka.

Papers, Please received quite a lot of attention when it came out nearly 2 months ago but since I was too busy doing what ever the hell I was doing in early August it completely went over …

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TV Review: The Legend of Korra “Civil Wars Part 1”

TV Review: The Legend of Korra “Civil Wars Part 1”

Korra and Unalaq 1024x576 TV Review: The Legend of Korra Civil Wars Part 1

Can it be? An actual (mostly) good episode of The Legend of Korra filled with great character interaction, dialogue and a main conflict that actually makes me think about whose right and who’s wrong? Pinch me I must be dreaming or something. Now if some one could stop writing Korra as if she was a completely oblivious moron and if they fixed the animation this show would, at last, be firing on all cylinders.

Following the pretty awesome cliffhanger from the previous episode, the Northern Water Tribe has occupied the South following the closing of the portal responsible for the Dark …

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TV Review: The Legend of Korra Book 2 Premiere

TV Review: The Legend of Korra Book 2 Premiere

Book 2 avatar the legend of korra 35087722 1280 720 1024x576 TV Review: The Legend of Korra Book 2 Premiere

It’s no secret that I was not a fan of the first season of The Legend of Korra, in fact I thought it was an atrocious pile of dog shit that I wouldn’t force my worst enemy to watch even if he slaughtered my entire family while laughing in my face about it. But since I am a big fan of the Avatar TLA universe and a glutton for punishment, I decided to give the second season a fair chance and I was genuinely excited for it. Now that the premiere has come and gone, I know the question on your …

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Movie Review: Riddick

Movie Review: Riddick

vin diesels riddick 2013 wide Movie Review: Riddick

Riddick is the fourth installment in the franchise starring Vin Diesel who plays; you guessed it, the titular space bad ass character of Richard B. Riddick. Now I never saw any of the previous films because frankly they didn’t really interest me so I went into this film with no expectations and completely blind with just some basic knowledge of the main character and the universe he inhabited. After watching this film I will definitely go back and watch all the previous ones as well as play the games because this film was really damn awesome.

It begins where Chronicles left …

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Comic Book Review: Superior Spider-Man Run, Goblin, Run!

Comic Book Review: Superior Spider-Man Run, Goblin, Run!

Superior Spider Man 14 interior art Comic Book Review: Superior Spider Man Run, Goblin, Run!

Back when Superior Spider-Man launched I was against the whole idea as much as the next guy, and after reading the first trade of the comic I pretty much gave up on the whole Superior Spider-Man thing and only kept on buying Scarlet Spider on a monthly basis as it was the last good Spider related book left. But recently I started hearing some surprisingly good things about Superior Spider-Man and I found out that a lot of the people who hated the idea at first are now really enjoying the series. So I decided to check out the latest arc …

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Chariot With Mary Nendoroid!

Chariot With Mary Nendoroid!

New from the Black Rock Shooter TV Animation and my first Nendoroid is Chariot with her Tank Mary.

Chariot 11 Chariot With Mary Nendoroid!

A Nendoroid is built like a Figma with removable and interchangeable parts such as faces, hands and larger body pieces; they are created in the “deformed” look or Chibi look where the head is big and the body is small making these little figurines cute if anything.

Chariot 2 Chariot With Mary Nendoroid!

In the world of Black Rock Shooter, Chariot is Kagari a “friend” of Yomi who is also Dead Master in “The Other World.” Created just for the TV Anime, Kagari is probably the most insane character …

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Comic Book Review: Infinity #1

Comic Book Review: Infinity #1

Infinity Vol 1 11 Comic Book Review: Infinity #1

Do you guys remember what I said about reviewing single issues in my Uncanny review a while back? Yea well screw that policy because this is an issue that I need to talk about and review for you guys because it’s really something special. I have to say, despite my love for what Hickman’s been doing in Avengers and especially New Avengers, Infinity wasn’t something I was really interested in. It just seemed like another one of “those” events where they hype it up as something that’ll change the Marvel universe until the next status quo changing event comes a year …

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Comic Book Review: Batman Beyond 2.0 #1

Comic Book Review: Batman Beyond 2.0 #1

BM BY UNI 1 9w9g4r8ant  0 665x1024 Comic Book Review: Batman Beyond 2.0 #1

If there’s one universe us comic book fans love, it’s the Batman Beyond universe created by Bruce Timm and the team responsible for the DC Animated Universe back in the 90s. The show has become one of the most beloved American made animated series but sadly it only lasted 2 years before being canceled and replaced in 2001 with Justice League also made by the DCAU team. Back in 2010 DC decided to release a Batman Beyond mini series featuring the beyond version of Hush. Following its release DC launched a digital comic featuring the future Dark Knight last year which …

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