Totally Bitch’in Toy: She-Ra!

Totally Bitch’in Toy: She-Ra!

She-Ra, the Princess of Power was created off the popularity of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

In 1985 Prince Adam found out that he had a twin sister named Adora whom was captured as an infant by Hordak and Skeletor. Adora was raised by Hordak and some mind control courtesy of Shadow Weaver; she became a high ranking soldier in Hordak’s army of oppressors.
In the animated movie “The Secret of the Sword” Prince Adam takes a portal to the world of Etheria and after some adventure he finds Adora and gives her a Power Sword that matches his …

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G.I. Joe: The Pursuit Of Cobra…Figures!

G.I. Joe: The Pursuit Of Cobra…Figures!

The 2009 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra movie figures set a new standard in the line with great detail, a load of accessories and excellent packaging.
Continuing this is the new line from Hasbro for The Pursuit of Cobra.

CST CC AV 1024x629 G.I. Joe: The Pursuit Of Cobra...Figures!

The Pursuit of Cobra line gives more of a realistic feel to the classic characters with the inclusion of new Joes and Cobras. The line appears more than realistic though, for the first time Cobra Command seems to outweigh the Joes. The “army” appears to be far stronger than being just a bunch of nameless, faceless scrubs for the Joes to …

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Vintage Toy: Stinkor!

Vintage Toy: Stinkor!

In 1985 a favorite stinky figure was released for Masters of the Universe. Stinkor whose plastic was molded with patchouli oil stunk up homes all over the world.

Stink 1 Vintage Toy: Stinkor!

Created by recoloring Mer-Man, Stinkor was given the paint scheme of black with white stripes giving him the appearance of a skunk. Recolored armor from Mechaneck gave Stinkor a cool breathing apparatus so he didn’t stink himself out.

Having one of the coolest and very memorable weapons, Stinkor came with a bright blue shield which was a repaint of the battle worn piece that came with the Castle Grayskull weapons rack.

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This find …

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Documentary Review: Exit Through The Gift Shop

Documentary Review: Exit Through The Gift Shop

Exit Through the Gift Shop Documentary Review: Exit Through The Gift Shop

Funny, fascinating, and nearly impossible to categorize, Exit Through The Gift Shop is one of the best documentaries in years. The documentary focuses on a jovial French filmmaker named Theirry Guetta and his transformation into street artist “Mr Brainwash”. The documentary was made by a hipster street artist named Banksy. Banksy came to my attention after doing an extremely dark opening for The Simpsons involving sweatshops used to produce the very Simpsons products that have made the producers very rich. Banksy appears in the documentary, voice distorted, his face hidden in shadow, and wearing a hoodie. Many critics and audience members …

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Totally Bitch’in Toy’s: Skeletor And He-Man!

Totally Bitch’in Toy’s: Skeletor And He-Man!

Skeletor, Evil Lord Of Destruction, Overlord Of Evil. Either way you put it, he will always be known as He-Man’s worse enemy.

He-Man, The Most Powerful Man In The Universe!  The Heroic icon of the 80’s and forever more.

From the Masters of the Universe Classics collection comes some of the cleanest, most articulated versions of Skeletor and He-Man to ever hit the market. With multiple points of articulation, attention to detail and classically enhanced paint schemes, Skeletor and He-Man are truly the center of ones MOTU collection!

HeMan 1 Totally Bitchin Toys: Skeletor And He Man!

He-Man is armed with his classic 3 pieces of heroism.  Including his gray …

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Masters Of The Universe Classic’s: Battle Cat!

Masters Of The Universe Classic’s: Battle Cat!

This time they outdone themselves!

Battle Cat from the Masters of the Universe Classic’s collection is an amazing version of the character!

BC 1 1024x736 Masters Of The Universe Classics: Battle Cat!

Sculpted to resemble the 80’s figure which was a static, hollow shell of He-Man’s fighting green tiger.

Battle Cat comes complete with head armor and saddle. The original look is there, however, the modern touches make this the definitive version of Cringer’s alter ego.

BC 2 Masters Of The Universe Classics: Battle Cat!

The detail is awesome–from the carving and molding of fur, to the paint scheme of green with yellow stripes. The eyes and mouth are detailed also. The new improvements are simply the articulation. Battle Cat …

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Vintage Toy: Roboto!

Vintage Toy: Roboto!

It’s amazing how an action figure from 1984 that has a thick piece of rubber holding it’s legs to it’s waist and more moving parts than a radio can survive 26 years in such great condition.

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Roboto from Masters of the Universe or He-Man as most of us called it back in the day; is the original with 1984 molded on the back of his head.

Rb 3 637x1024 Vintage Toy: Roboto!

Roboto’s joints–legs, arms, neck and waist are all tight and appear as new out of the box. His three weapons, the axe, laser and pincer are all perfect and fit tight to his right arm …

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Radical Collectable: Great Wars Weapons Pak!

Radical Collectable: Great Wars Weapons Pak!

Wow! This is totally cool! The Great Wars Weapons Pak is loaded to the hilt, it includes a multitude of replacement tools of the trade for Masters of the Universe Classic’s figures.

The Original 80’s weapons paks were tiny compared to this thing, it contains some awesome pieces for the battles ensuing between He-Man and Skeletor!

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Separated into 10 bubbles, the package includes a gold spear for King Randor, a trident for Mer-Man, two shafts for a long staff and a sceptor for Evil-Lyn’s orb. The second block contains armor for Mer-Man. The third block has armor for Zoar which is …

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Trailer Review:  The Warrior’s Way

Trailer Review: The Warrior’s Way

qmxter Trailer Review:  The Warriors Way

From the producer of The Lord of the Rings (and the producer of the film Hackers), comes a curious production starring Dong-Gun Jang (Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War), Geoffrey Rush and Kate Bosworth.  A little bit ninja and a little bit western, The Warrior’s Way synthesizes two popular cultural genres into one action-packed, yet seemingly nonsensical English language, feature-length film.  The Warrior’s Way opens December 3rd. 

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m all for martial arts movies that don’t call for subtitles and I give Asian actors a lot of credit for doing an entire movie in a …

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Rad Review: Zartan!

Rad Review: Zartan!

One of the easiest figures to acquire in the new line of G.I. Joe action figures is Zartan. A totally classic and popular figure, Zartan comes with an amazing amount of accessories.

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The standard build of Zartan includes a removable “poncho” which reveals his hairless head. With the ever classic face paint. Zartan has an interchangeable head which comes with goggles. Zartan’s “poncho” can them be changed out for a vest which allows him to become a totally different character, not just him with a different face.

Included with Zartan are a shoulder bag to hold the alternate head (which is …

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