Demo-Man and Alcala Skeletor!

Demo-Man and Alcala Skeletor!

It took over a month but finally I received Demo-Man, the last figure from the 2011 Masters of the Universe,, Club Eternia subscription.

D Man 0 Demo Man and Alcala Skeletor!

The white mailer box is great, like The Wind Raider and The Star Sisters it has a misprint of “Snake Mountain” printed at the bottom where “Cringer” was at the bottom of the Star Sisters box and “Battle Ram Chariot” was at the bottom of the Wind Raider box–it’s got to be a puzzle game…? OR, Maybe not–whatever.

D Man 1 Demo Man and Alcala Skeletor!

Demo-Man is an interesting figure, he is the original concept of Skeletor as Vikor is the concept of He-Man. …

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Thirty Years Of MOTU: Jan- The Star Sisters!

Thirty Years Of MOTU: Jan- The Star Sisters!

The Masters of the Universe Classics subscription has begun again for this, the 30th anniversary of Masters of the Universe. New for this year is a 30th anniversary logo and a really messed up subscription schedule starting in the first month. The original Jan figure was The Sorceress–so much for that–which will be coming in Feb–hopefully.

The Star Sisters were created in the middle to late 80’s as the last of the She-Ra action doll line. The characters were in one episode of She-Ra: Princess of Power, where Bow was showing off for them with Shadow Weavers wand and they …

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Scarlett: G.I. Joe Renegades!

Scarlett: G.I. Joe Renegades!

Scarlett 1 782x1024 Scarlett: G.I. Joe Renegades!

Shana “Scarlett” O’Hara has been with the G.I. Joe team since 1982, she had once had straight arms with 1 simple bend that was prone to cracking and the partial body of a male figure.  Over the past 30 years Scarlett has evolved from a basic action figure, to having “NEW” Swivel Arm Battle Grip to full articulation and an anatomically correct body.

Scarlett 2 823x1024 Scarlett: G.I. Joe Renegades!

The G.I. Joe Renegades figure line features a great card with cartoon art of the character and show specific file cards.

Scarlett 3 645x1024 Scarlett: G.I. Joe Renegades!

Scarlett has an awesome sculpt that brings the cartoon character to action figure form. She has full …

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Matty-Script: Dec- Battleground Evil-Lyn And The Wind Raider!

Matty-Script: Dec- Battleground Evil-Lyn And The Wind Raider!

WOW! Alright, let me get through Battleground Evil-Lyn and then we’ll get to…well, just wait for it!

December, the final month of the subscription service from—thankfully… Missing is Demo-Man–the concept of Skeletor was delayed until Janurary so for now it’s Battleground Evil-Lyn and The Wind Raider.

BG Evil 1 774x1024 Matty Script: Dec  Battleground Evil Lyn And The Wind Raider!

Battleground Evil-Lyn is a repaint of standard Evil-Lyn however; it’s a very nice figure and comes with some cool extras. Apparently since the early 80’s everyone wanted an Evil-Lyn with her hair showing and here she is. Her short mop of white hair is exposed and her face sculpt is good—perhaps she appears older …

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G.I. joe: Retaliation, Written On The Toilet!

G.I. joe: Retaliation, Written On The Toilet!

GI banner G.I. joe: Retaliation, Written On The Toilet!

Holy crap, what did they do to G.I. Joe!?! The 3 minute trailer felt like it lasted a lifetime. Directed by Jon chu who only has a few 3rd tier flicks under his belt and written by a pair of hacks, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick who only had a one hit wonder in “Zombieland” (which could have been better) this triad of terror has finally put the last nail in the “Joes” coffin.

Here is the rundown–Zartan is still “The President” and rules the country (at least that was continued on) apparently he aligns himself with the countries of France, …

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Matty-Script: Nov (ALTERED)- Swiftwind and Bubble Power She-Ra!

Matty-Script: Nov (ALTERED)- Swiftwind and Bubble Power She-Ra!

So…I was on the subscription for 10 months and then switched from my credit card to my bank card and it didn’t go through when they went to get the payment. I called their number in India and they couldn’t help me, so I am now off of the subscription–and they say you can’t cancel, its too easy to cancel, oh well!

So, this months actual figure is Snout-Spout the firefighting elephant guy. I have the original Snout-Spout and I think he is pretty cool, however I decided not to get him in order to have 2 of Bubble Power She-Ra.…

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Matty-Script: Oct- Flipshot…Uh…Icarius!

Matty-Script: Oct- Flipshot…Uh…Icarius!

One figure for the month of October, pretty weak because they moved all the good stuff to the last 2 months of the year.

Flipshot 1 687x1024 Matty Script: Oct  Flipshot...Uh...Icarius!

Here we have from the New Adventures of He-Man, Flipshot…::sigh:: Icarius… Thanks to “another” company–NERF– having the copyright to the name Flipshot, Mattel had to rename their character Icarius–Spelled different. Everyone and their uncle knows who Icarius is so I wont go into it.  Icarius is however the European name for the Flipshot character, so in the end, the rename is ok.

Flipshot 0 954x1024 Matty Script: Oct  Flipshot...Uh...Icarius!

Here’s the deal, the figure is very nice and has some great sculpting and accessories. …

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Bitch’in Book Review!  “The Way Of One Gypsy.”

Bitch’in Book Review! “The Way Of One Gypsy.”

Gypsy 1 711x1024 Bitchin Book Review!  The Way Of One Gypsy.

Recently I’ve put down my text books and picked up a read that I didn’t know too much about. The book is called “The Way Of One Gypsy” By: Clarissa Simmens. “The Way Of One Gypsy” is a fictional story about a family of Romani (Gypsies) who came to the United States from Europe. The story is loosely themed like the animated movie “American Pop” by: Ralph Bakshi where it begins with the great grand parents and then goes down until the main character Kaylita whom tells the story is the focus and her life is revealed as the story progresses.…

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Matty-Script: Sept- Hurricane Hordak And Leech!

Matty-Script: Sept- Hurricane Hordak And Leech!

Originally I wasn’t very excited about the September figures from Hurricane Hordak and Leech huh? Well, I guess I’m still not excited, but I’m kind of impressed with the design.

H Hordak 1 Matty Script: Sept  Hurricane Hordak And Leech!

Hurricane Hordak seems to be a re-hash of regular Hordak with gold armor which is pretty cool. I have a rough spot in mine but I really don’t care. The armor is hopefully vacuum plated (it appears to be) so it stays nice regardless of the fact that I probably wont open it. Hordak comes with a few new options such as his right arm having what looks to be …

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White Rock Shooter!

White Rock Shooter!

WRS 10 White Rock Shooter!

Straight from Japan and after about 7 months on pre-order is Black Rock Shooter: The Game-Premium White Box.

WRS 9 White Rock Shooter!
This is the definitive version of the first Black Rock Shooter video game. Playable on any PSP world wide and in the Japanese language, BRS: The Game came in a large and beautiful box with great head-shot images of Black Rock Shooter and White Rock Shooter. This set comes complete with the PSP game which once again is playable in all PSP systems, however it is entirely in Japanese so it’s feel it out as you go along–unless you know Japanese.

WRS 8 White Rock Shooter!
Also included …

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